I find replicas and props of movie firearms that end up costing more than quite a few guns to be interesting. Perhaps it’s the often times painstaking detail and quality put into something that ultimately can only put on display. Such is the case with the Hollywood Collectables Group exclusive M56 Smartgun. The M56 was first introduced in the movie ‘Aliens’, a 10mm automatic squad support weapon with an effective range of 1500 yards, and a motion-sensitive infrared tracking system. This particular model is 48″ in length, weights 15 lbs., and comes with a 24″ x 16″ print of the Smartgun blueprints and spec sheet. Only 150 of these are slated to be released, so if you don’t mind spending $1200 on a high-quality Smartgun replica, then this is your chance.
Needs the Combat Harness and Arm.
Still neat though.