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Archive for February, 2018

Ant-Man And The Wasp Trailer

Saturday, February 3rd, 2018

The Marvel franchise just keeps chugging along.

I’m personally waiting for a proper Howard the Duck movie.

CRKT – Williams Tactical Key

Friday, February 2nd, 2018

Former Army Officer and martial arts instructor James Williams designed the Williams Tactical Key, a push dagger-style self defense tool shaped innocuously like a key. The tool is made of 3Cr13 steel, with a blade length of 1.762″, and the tip of the blade also functions as a Phillips screwdriver.


DroneShield Ltd Announces DroneGun Tactical

Thursday, February 1st, 2018

DroneShield Ltd announces the DroneGun Tactical product, available for purchase by qualified end-users.

The release of DroneGun Tactical follows the release of DroneGun MKII in late 2017. DroneGun Tactical is much more compact than the MKII model but has a shorter range.


• No backpack – the product is entirely self contained within the rifle body, while maintaining lightweight and long effective range (over 1km).

• Addition of 433Mhz and 915Mhz frequencies, to ensure complete effectiveness across drone models.

• Ergonomic body and controls.

• Further alignment with standard military specifications, including standardised NATO military battery power.

DroneGun Tactical is not intended to supercede DroneGun MKII. Rather, it is designed for users with a different set of requirements than those using DroneGun MKII.
