As you might have expected, there were a number of sunglasses, goggles and other types of eyepro at SHOT. Body Specs had several on display, but the most interesting were the Pistol model. They’re a fairly high impact wrap style eye-pro, hard coated for scratch resistance and all the usual tacti-goggle-glass features.
The cool thing about them, however, was the adjustability feature. The lenses are capable of telescoping out and panascoping up and down (angling), allowing you to adjust for length (fit from your face) and the cant of the goggles themselves. Whether you’re one of those good looking guys make everything look good or one of those big mongoloid types with a huge forehead, you can fine tune the fit. Cant them down so they don’t bump your eyebrows, adjust if so they aren’t molested by the front of your helmet, the lighting or your shooting position. If you prefer an adjustment from when you’re got a helmet on versus when it’s off, easily done (same as if you prefer a modification from standing to prone).
The nosepiece has a wide contact area, doesn’t seem to slip at all, and supports an Rx insert if you need corrective lenses, and they have some new specialized purple or brown lenses made for competitive shooters.
One question we’d have would be how frequently you can adjust them before they begin to wear down. Upon first try, they have sufficient resistance but in fairness we’d have to ask long term would they start slipping on their own? It would be impossible to say without putting them through field trials, but at first glance and a quick “try-on” they feel pretty good. In any case, they only run $40 retail, which is pretty inexpensive compared to some of the Gucci military goggles and better known eyepro. Might be worth taking a crack at it.
Bod Specs is a woman-, veteran-owned business based in Grass Valley, CA. You can call 530-268-8882 or e-mail the owner directly at They do have a distributor on the GSA Schedule if you need one.
The Pistol comes with smoke and clear lenses, retention lanyard and a semi-rigid carry case you can attach to your gear should you be so inclined. Oh, and the Pistol has an NSN:
4240-01-526-9637. More at the Body Specs website.