Lotta folks have been to Ft. Hood over the years, military, dependents and civilians. A LOT of troops, considering it’s been around since WWII. Not everyone liked it, of course, but it is a soldier’s right to complain. Here in just a couple weeks you can spend the weekend there, get in a hell of a fight, then come home; and you won’t be complaining. It’s Operation Reindeer Games 10. This one is being run by MilSim Event, to show you a good time AND to help out Toys for Tots. This year’s Reindeer Games will be held at the Ft. Hood Triple MOUT Facility on 07 DEC 11. From the SIGINT and HUMINT we’ve been able to gather, there will be a number of shooters at this operation from Texas (obviously) but also from Oklahoma, Louisiana and other states. The background detail is pretty impressive. In fact, it seems had to believe they’ll be able to pack all of it into a one-day shoot-fest. MilSim Event is a relatively young MilSim organization that has made quite mark on the MilSim world in just a short period of time. They’ve run a number of very successful operations with many notable features (like having shooters in a helicopter making gun runs over the guys on the ground). More information below. Note that you gotta have biodegradable BBs, proper uniform and a toy for Toys For Tots. Missing any of those things, you might as well not even come through the main gate.

FORT HOOD, Texas - Soldiers assigned to A Troop, 1st Squadron, 9th Cavalry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division training at Ft. Hood.
Operation Reindeer Games X
After five years of intense winter fighting in the region, the city of Taskrit has been left scarred. As a result, many of their homes and crops were destroyed and most of the residents have fled the area. Those who remain, found themselves huddled in mere shells of once prosperous cities.
In a bold and bloody move, Getbakistan’s 302nd Infantry Division has seized control of the city of Taskrit, cutting off the main supply artery for Kriegistani forces. Rumors have been circulating for years of a secret weapons cache that could turn the tide of the war. The 302nd has retained the local cleric Mohammed Issa Hiden and his clergy as a political prisoners threatening to execute them one by one if the cache was not exposed and other demands are not met.
This comes on the eve of a major deployment from Kriegistani forces to resupply their eastern front. With the convoy in route, Kriegistani has deployed a their quick response forces to retake valuable assets and this vital supply line before the convoy arrives.
As a humanitarian effort NATO has deploy a hostage negotiation team in hopes to gain favor to free the political prisoners. Both side see NATO has nothing more than a babysitter of matters that don’t concern them.
The opportunity to exploit the international community is always a powerful tool… tensions are high on all sides.
December 17th, SATURDAY
Gate open 6am
Checkin 7am
Chrono 7am
Briefing 830am
Game on at 9am
Game off at 4pm
Raffle at 5pm
MOUT Cleanup 6pm
Gate Closes 800pm
Getbakistan Forces:
Woodland Green BDU
*OD Green Combat Shirt Optional
Woodland or OD Green Cover
Kriegistan Forces:
3 Color DCU Desert
*Tan Combat Shirt Optional
DCU or Tan Cover
ACU* Slots Filled
Range Control:
MSE Staff OIC, RSO’s & Game ADMIN – Coyote pants, Black top, RED Plate Carrier, RED hat
US Army Staff – Multicam
*Correct Uniform Pants, Blouse and Cover (hat or helmet) are required to be worn in game. No bare heads allowed.
Loadout Requirements:
NO Hicap Magazines, Midcap and Realcap only.
800 BB’s in primary magazines only.
Unlimited BIO BB’s can be carried for reload.
No Magazine or Loadout restrictions for SAW’s.
Uniform Note:
This is an active United States Military base that trains all service branches. Absolutely no Multicam and USMC MARPAT in Desert or Woodland. These are considered garrison and active duty uniforms and will not be worn by any milsim player during this event. Please honor our service men and women by complying. MSE and US Army has the right to refuse any player not in compliance.
Strict uniform, Cover (hat), ammo, age, equipment and eyepro requirements apply to all players that enlist. Please read and Understand the requirements and standards that MSE set specific to each team and the overall game. UOD is the Milsim Standard, Woodland and DCU. No exceptions will be made.
Any color gear is allowed, no restrictions.
Enlistment OPENS November 11th at 6pm.
Enlistment CLOSES December 9th at NOON.
You have a four week window to enlist, first come first served. Payment with enlistment is the ONLY way to secure a slot. No attendance cap but teams will remain balanced per the MSE Staffs discretion.
Standard Enlistment Fee:
$57.50 via Paypal
Range Rules:
US Army Rules and Regulations that MUST be followed:
No foreign Nationals
Minors 13 to 17 years old require MSE pre-approval & Father Son teams, 18+ is goodtogo.
Snipers, DMR’s and SAW gunners require MSE pre-approval to be listed as such on roster.
Biodegradable BB’s Only. This is Mandatory.
Must have ID to enter the gate, State or federal issued ID; Drivers License, Passport, etc
Must be willing to submit SS for verification or background check if requested at anytime.
Littering is Prohibited, field strip all butts and pocket any trash you may generate or encounter in the AO.
No Fires or BBQ’s
This is a Federal Facility and we are guests, please act with respect and honor.
New and unwrapped toy for the Chairity Toys for Tots program. Proper uniform, this is the OP where you will be asked to leave and come back only when you have fixed the issue. Not joking, milsim means looking the part.
Everything you need for a 6 hour continuous game; water, snacks…Nothing will be provided onsite. Porta Johns are available on the MOUT facility. BIO BB’s
A helping hand at the end of the game to clean the MOUT facilites of all BIO BB’s.
Lunch will be provided as part of your entry fee. This is a continuous game and it will be up to your leadership to rotate units for chow. Menu forthcoming, it will be hot and tasty.
No POV’s in the AO or MOUT Training Facility. All POV’s and passes will be approved through Range Control that morning via OIC and RSO validation. Parking will be as close as .5mi from the training facility. No tents, canopy’s are OK. Park and Check in at the designated area only. No camping before or after event.
Custom Patch, Map and a raffle ticket for Kastway’s after game raffle.
Under 18 with approvals. Ages 13 through 17 require special conditions to be met and written permission from the MSE Staff. MSE Welcomes and encourages the Father Son Battle Buddy System. Reference this link. CLICKY HERE We request that all minors apply.
United States Military Traning Facility with MOUT HMF, MOUT EMF, MOUT BMF. Parking and Latrines on site.
We here at MSE can’t be more excited about bringing Ten years of Holiday Texas milsim tradition to Ft. Hood. Most of all, bringing the Texas milsim player base together at the best MOUT facility in the state for the best milsim play and game fee this facility has ever known. This, the last game of the year is where we have fun and help those that are in need…but the game is pure milsim.
The proof is in the puddin…
We invite you to http://www.milsimevent.com/forums/ for the latest, updated daily information and banter. *You must be a registered member of our forum to participate in posting, thanks for your understanding.*
Tags: Ft. Hood MOUT, MilSim Airsoft, MilSim Event, MilSimEvent.com, Texas Airsoft Organization
I believe the event is Dec 17th, not Dec 07.
Ft Hood was the best time of my life. I was a Scout Section Sergeant. The Training areas were challenging and facilities were top notch.