Hope all of you are having a great Christmas Day and are able to spend it with your families, even you Godless atheists that just want presents! Tactical Fanboy would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, especially all of those who have to work today or tonight, whether they’re military personnel at home or abroad, police, fire, EMS, the staff at the few stores that are open-any of you that aren’t able to stay at home, lounge about and read TFB.
In the meantime, Command Posts put up some interesting pictures from military Christmases past, including the one below (which shows Christmas dinner before members of H Company, 2nd Cavalry out of Ft. Wingate sit down to eat, 1895). The post is worth checking out!

A Christmas feast prepared for members of "H" Company , 2nd Cavalry stationed at Fort Wingate, New Mexico in 1895. Photo: USAMHI. Caption: U.S. Army.
Tags: Military History