IndieBox, a subscription box company for independent video games, announced a new product line today: IndieSox. The new “company” has one specific mission: to take the indie games you love, and get them on your feet.
For 24 hours on April 1st, the main webpage www.TheIndieBox.com will automatically redirect all traffic to www.TheIndieSox.com. The IndieBox Team modeled each of the six custom pairs of socks, themed after legendary independent video games: Axiom Verge, Nuclear Throne, Luftrausers, Super Meat Boy, Crypt of the Necrodancer, and Ultimate Chicken Horse.
These socks are not simply an April Fool’s joke they’re real products. Bundles are available to preorder for $25 (or $35 outside of the US) and include all six designs, as well as free shipping and a copy of Ultimate Chicken Horse on Steam.
In addition to selling the new line of socks, IndieBox will be donating a portion of the proceeds to StackUP.org. StackUP is a veteranfocused charity dedicated to supporting the men and women of the military through the use, support and donation of video games worldwide!
“IndieSox” will take over the www.TheIndieBox.com throughout April 1st, however, the offer will be available at www.TheIndieSox.com through Friday April 8, 2016.