Remember the movie Cobra with Sylvester Stallone? Chewing on a match, dark shades, a badass car, and a hero who takes a moment mid-gunfight to chug a beer in a grocery store.
Sure ya do. It’s a cult sh!tshow classic. Maybe not the best of over-the-top cringe-worthy trope-flicks, but definitely worth the watch!
Draw ‘n’ Fire Art
In any case, Lorin Michki, aka @drawnfireart on Instagram, recently completed two updated versions of the titular hero in movie poster style. One shows Lt. Cobretti with the custom Colt Gold Cup National Match pistol he carried in the film. The other version features “Cobra” carrying a Chambers Custom “Working Man’s Gun.” (WMG). Happily for you car folks, it also features Cobretti’s custom 1950 Mercury.
Check out Michkin’s store if you’re looking for some badass prints. It’s on Etsy.
Even if you aren’t a Cobra fan, do yourself a fan and check out Michkin’s work. Unless I completely miss my guess (and I won’t) there will be something there you like.
Like this, for instance.

A signed and numbered print of Doc Holliday (with a Beretta 92 Elite LTT blaster). The original drawing was made with colored pencil on Stonehenge paper.
Cobra Movie 1986 Trailer
“You’re the disease. I’m the cure.” Marion Cobretti