TIE Tactical (Tactical Innovations Engineering) has a new tiger strip pattern out. TIE makes some really nice custom kydex scabbards and sheaths for both fixed blades and folders (and of course some other things).

A TIE Tactical hatchet scabbard with belt lock for carry.
It’s not something you might think about right off, but they make some really nice belt scabbards even for folders. There are a number of reasons for this, including speed of presentation, carrying it on a battle belt, carrying a secondary folder, etc. The defensive/tactical reasons vary from individual, and will no doubt start more than one argument about what is valid, or a better way to carry, or whatever. This e-publication, perspicacious and sagacious as it is, will not get into that argument. We will going to say that TIE is run by an extremely nice, very detail-oriented and thorough man out of a small shop in Texas. He has a dual retention locking system if you want it (and these these things really do lock: you can carry ’em inverted and they’ll stay with you). He can make a number of different pieces you might want: for instance, we know of one commissioned project that involved a 5-round .38 speedloader for an airweight revolver sitting right next to a very small flashlight. Another was a small fixed blade (a SAR Global Tool Sarclops, as a matter of fact) next to a Zippo…you get the idea. He’s got the tools and he’s got the talent, and now he’s got the tiger stripe.
The Mad Duo previously wrote about TIE Tactical on Kit Up! if you want some background.

TIE Tactical's new Tiger Stripe pattern on a fixed blade.