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Monster Rehab

Thursday, April 28th, 2011

I recently cracked open my first Monster Rehab, an energy drink described as “Tea+Lemonade+Energy” on the can. Based on taste alone, it’s not too inaccurate to describe it as an ‘Energy Arnold Palmer’. You’ve got that slightly tart, slightly sweet tea taste of an Arnold Palmer, combined with a slight hit of “Rehab Energy Blend”, and it’s not carbonated. As a nice little bonus, this lemony-liquid is only 10 calories per serving [about 2 servings per 15.5 oz can]. It won’t quite jack you up like a regular Monster, or equivalent energy drink, but if you need a light recovery drink, it’s a damn fine choice.

SHOT Show Coverage

Tuesday, January 18th, 2011

Was on planes, trains, and automobiles all day making my way to Vegas. Hit a couple of industry gettogethers tonight. Look for lots of coverage tomorrow during the day via Twitter, Youtube, and Facebook.