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Archive for the ‘Cosplay’ Category

Magnoli Clothiers

Tuesday, August 9th, 2022

There’s cosplay outfits for sale, and then there’s Magnoli Clothiers. I was recently made aware of this New Zealand-based clothier via a certain someone’s delivery of a reproduction pair of Snake Plissken’s camo pants from ‘Escape from New York’ (seen above, and linked here). After searching them up on the web, I was amazed by the wide variety of products they have on offer, from all manner of television shows, movies, and games across genres, quite a bit of it made-to-measure — with a price to match. However, as a proper clothier, they don’t just focus on costumes (their own site states their products are “…not costume pieces, but tailor-made, high-quality clothing.”, which I won’t refute), but bespoke suits and other high-quality custom-made clothing items. Plus, if you don’t see a particular piece available to order, their FAQ states they can custom make a reproduction of any piece of men’s clothing, whether it’s something you already own or it’s pulled from film stills or other images.


They also have a line of hand-finished props for the seeker of high-quality costume accessories: www.magnoliclothiers.com/clothing-accessories-props-c-102_23_171.html

InspireProps – Doom Eternal Super Shotgun Cosplay Prop

Saturday, March 7th, 2020

The classic Super Shotgun, first introduced to the Doom franchise in Doom 2, is beloved for its in-game power, delivering massive damage via a wall of buckshot launched from its twin sawed-off barrels. In DOOM: Eternal, the updated Super Shotgun is treated with reverence as a powerful demon-slaying relic, even bestowed the name “Lucifer’s Bane” in the game’s lore. It features intricate engravings and script along its surface, and an underbarrel pig iron “Meat Hook” used to latch onto faraway enemies to drag the Doom Slayer closer to them for a swift and violent death.

Russian-based InspireProps has taken Eternal’s depiction of the Super Shotgun, and has produced a highly-detailed cosplay prop of it, for sale on their Etsy shop. The “Lucifer’s Bane” prop is made of polyurethane plastic, and is painted with acrylic car paints and varnishes. They also offer a raw cast variant, for those who’d rather finish and paint the model themselves. The prop comes complete with two spent shotshell props, also engraved with runes and script, as any good demon-slaying tools should.

DOOM: Eternal’s release is just around the corner, and it’s awesome to see it inspire such amazing prop work!

You can check out the “Luficer’s Bane” Super Shotgun prop product page below if you’re looking to score one of these for yourself:


Chef’s Creations – Colonial Marine USCM BDUs

Wednesday, February 19th, 2020

Chief’s Creations is a UK-based maker of expert-quality, highly-detailed props and costumes, and with the motto ‘Building Better Costumes’ and their Wayland-Yutani inspired company logo, you’d be safe in assuming they’re pretty big on the Aliens franchise.

So proven by their Colonial Marine USCM BDUs. And, right of the bat, it’s worth mentioning how dedicated Chef’s Creations is to living up to their motto: they went through the effort of accurately recreating the ‘Frog Leaf’ USCM camouflage from scratch, based on a swatch of screen used fabric. A British Army textile contractor prints the camouflage onto sheet, from which the BDUs are constructed by hand, made to order.

The BDUs are also patterned accurately after those seen in the film, as the prop house had the opportunity to study a set of ‘screen used’ BDUs; every pocket, seam, and button was studied in detail to create as accurate a reproduction as possible. The BDUs are made using heavy weight cotton drill material, sewn with strong thread, and reinforced “beyond the screen used items for longevity.” Simply put, if you want to make as accurate a USCM cosplay as possible, these are the guys to contact.


They also make a kick-ass set of Colonial Marine USMC M3 Armor, and a few other movie-accurate accessories, if you want to complete the look.

REAL PARTS: Star Wars ANH (1977) X-Wing Pilot Helmet

Tuesday, January 7th, 2020

One of the things that makes the original Star Wars so great is the plethora of props that are inspired by or outright formed from old military weapons and gear. Such is the case with the Rebel X-Wing pilot’s helmet, which was based on a Gentex APH-6 flight helmet. This video by YouTube channel Mike’s Tiny Shop details a bit of this history, and even shows the channel owner’s father’s own Vietnam-era restored APH-6. This is then compared to a replica of Wedge Antilles’ helmet from Episode 4: A New Hope, which the owner created using a helmet shell and miscellaneous parts.

It’s a cool video to check out, whether your a fan of props, military gear, or tales of a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.

Vajra Tactical Concepts – Tacticute Seifuku

Tuesday, August 20th, 2019

This is Vajra Tactical Concepts’ Tacticute Seifuku. A must have for any tactically-inclined waifus, it combines the iconic Japanese schoolgirl ‘Seifuku’ uniform with the modern combat uniform. The resulting fusion of which is neither fully appropriate for an educational environment, nor the field of combat, but ascetically pleasing, all the same.

The shirt portion features combat uniform-style cargo and bicep pockets, with Velcro panels for the attachment of morale or ID patches. The pleated skirt features an adjustable waist side zipper, and dual cargo pockets, as well as wide belt loops perfectly sized for a tactical belt.

Interested parties can contact Vajira Tacticalc Concepts via their Facebook page to order.


Marvel Legends Gamerverse Punisher War Machine Helmet Prop Replica

Saturday, June 29th, 2019

As part of Hasbro’s Marvel Legends prop line, they will be releasing a ‘GamerVerse’ Punisher War Machine Helmet prop, based on the Punisher in War Machine armor as seen in the video game ‘Marvel Future Fight’.

The helmet is 1:1 scale, and sized so that most adults should be able to wear it. It features a highly-detailed sculpt and paint job, with glowing LED eyes and electronic sounds. The faceplate is magnetized, so it can be attached and detached, which triggers the aforementioned eyes and sounds.

This is a retailer-exclusive release, so you’ll have to get it through Entertainment Earth. It’s up for pre-order now, with an expected release this coming October: www.entertainmentearth.com/product/marvel-legends-gamerverse-punisher-war-machine-helmet-prop-replica-exclusive/hse8679

Star Trek TOS Gorn Latex Mask

Wednesday, May 15th, 2019

Arguably, it’s a bit early to start prepping for Halloween, but on the off-chance you were planning on wearing a Gorn costume this year, you may want to take a look at Trick or Treat Studios‘ (the same folks behind the awesome ‘They Live’ mask) Gorn Latex Mask. Officially licensed by CBS, this high-quality mask is based off the ‘Gorn’ fought by Captain Kirk in the classic ‘Star Trek’ episode ‘Arena’. It’s available for pre-order now, with an expected ship date of September 30th.

Honestly, though, this is really an excuse to lead into the classic primitive gunpowder canon scene from the same episode.


Thunderball Spectre Ring Prop Replica

Sunday, May 12th, 2019

Website ‘Monsters In Motion’ is currently offering a pre-order sale on a prop replica of the SPECTRE ring from Thunderball, manufactured by Factory Entertainment. Sized at ring size 11, these replicas are “handcrafted in 14K yellow gold over solid sterling silver, with the recessed black enamel SPECTRE insignia accented by polished rhodium.” Simply put, these are a decently high-quality prop replica, with a price to match: $249.99. Each ring also comes with a gift box and a Certificate of Authenticity, and the run will be limited to 500 pieces.


Kenneth Chan – Asian Tactical Conical Helmet

Wednesday, May 1st, 2019

This is a concept for a Asian Tactical Conical Helmet by Creator/Artist/Painter/Illustrator/Designer Kenneth Chang. Combining aspects of a modern ballistic helmet and an Asian Conical Hat, the Asian Tactical Conical Helmet would be constructed of NIJ Level IIIA PE with a 4-point chin strap and NIJ Level II rated bulletproof headband, with obligatory helmet pads and accessory mounts. Various ballistic panels would be mountable on the exterior, including some hanging panels of NIJ Level III material to protect the neck and upper back. Rounding out the design is an NVG mount. It would come in at 30cm / 1 ft in diameter, and about 2.5kg / 5.5 lbs fully loaded.

It’s a really cool concept, and practicality aside, I’m sure plenty of people would love to get their mitts on an actual release.

You can check out more of Kenneth Chan’s concepts via his Artstation page: kennethchan512.artstation.com

Anovos – Star Wars: The Force Awakens Rey Salvaged X-wing Helmet Accessory

Friday, July 7th, 2017

Anovos, creators of high-quality, fully-licensed movie and television props, will soon be releasing a wearable version of Rey’s X-Wing helmet from ‘The Force Awakens’. The helmet is built from a digital scan of the original prop and made of ABS plastic, with a fully-lined interior and weather exterior.


Bionic Jetpack Tutorial

Sunday, June 18th, 2017

Fantasy Armor creator David Guyton showed off a high-quality jetpack build designed as a companion piece for his bionic armor set. You can check out more of his designs via his YouTube channel.

You can get the template at armortemplates.com.

ThinkGeek – Mass Effect Omni-Blade Cosplay Weapon

Saturday, January 28th, 2017


In the far-future world of Mass Effect, technology is advanced enough that hard light constructs exist, and that includes hard light being used as a quick-deployable ‘Omni-Blade’ for close quarters combat. ThinkGeek has released a cosplay version of the Omni-Blade made of transparent orange resin, with a switch on the wearable disk letting the wearer swing the blade out or sheath it along their arm.


Anovos – Rogue One Replica Death Trooper Helmet

Monday, December 12th, 2016


Anovos, known for their extremely high-quality licensed costumes and props, is releasing a replica Death Trooper helmet based on the upcoming Rogue One film. The helmet, digitally scanned from the actual movie props, is made of fiberglass, with a fully lined interior.

If you have $615 lying around, you can pre-order the helmet at the link below:


Fully Functioning Fallout 4 Automatic Laser Rifle

Sunday, November 27th, 2016

Ok, to be fair it’s not “functional” in that it shoots an actual laser projectile, but the barrels (if you can call them that) spin, the muzzle flashes with light, and it makes game-authentic sounds.

If you have the aptitude necessary to make one for yourself, the creator put the plans online here:


Kids Skull Commando Costume

Saturday, September 17th, 2016


Since Halloween fast approaching, it’s time to start considering trick-or-treat costumes for the kiddies. One such costume is this Ghost from Modern Warfare 2 Kids Skull Commando costume. It comes with a grey, black, and green hooded shirt with printed skull face mask, as well as a vest, pants, belt, thigh holster, kneepads, headphones, and sunglasses.

Note that the toy gun and footwear is not included with the costume.


Star Wars – Tatooine Cosplay Starter Kit

Wednesday, August 31st, 2016


OK, so these two items are in no way, shape, or form known in any official terms as the “Tatooine Cosplay Starter Kit”. However, if you are looking for either a foam Tusken Raider’s Gaffi Stick, or are cosplaying as a Gamorrean guard (The pig guys that guard Jabba’s palace) and need one of their weapons (in foam), then these are honestly your best bet. We got ours on Disney property, so if you’re ever in the area be on the lookout for them.

3D Printable Boba Fett EE-3 Carbine Blaster Rifle

Monday, June 6th, 2016


Thingiverse user AprilStorm has produced a 3D-printer-friendly version of Boba Fett’s EE-3 Carbine Blaster Rifle from the Star Wars series. It was designed principally to be used for prop use by charitable organizations such as the 501st, however it’s also under Creative Commons non-commercial license, so as long as you give credit where credit is due (and don’t mind assembling the components), you can print out the design yourself.


Golden Armor – Prop Replica Helmets

Wednesday, October 7th, 2015

Golden Armor

The website Golden Armor has an impressive display of prop replica helmets based on SciFi properties, including Star Wars, Alien, and Starship Troopers. Unfortunately, these pieces aren’t for sale, as they’re one-off models. However, they are offering a Korban Dallas Multi Pass in their ‘For Sale’ section, so not all is lost.



Anovos – The Force Awakens First Order Stormtrooper Helmet Pre-Order

Tuesday, September 29th, 2015


Do you like the new Stormtrooper design, particularly the helmet? Would you like a high-quality prop replica helmet to wear to the range to which you can attribute any misplaced shots? Well, high-end prop manufacturer Anovos is selling pre-orders on the standard line First Order Stormtrooper helmets. The helmets are derived from the digital files used in the production of the upcoming Episode VII, and they’re constructed of lightweight injection-molded plastic.

Shipping is estimated to start January 2016, so unfortunately you won’t be wearing these to The Force Awakens when it comes out in theaters, but at least you’ll be set for any upcoming conventions that year.


Steampunk Gas Mask

Sunday, September 6th, 2015


Unfortunately, this is a costume piece, not a working mask, but it’s still really cool looking. It’s made of silicone with machined aluminum with a copper finish, and adjustable jeweler’s lenses over both eyes. Reminds me of Karl Ruprecht Kroenen from the first Hellboy flick.


Cosplay At SDCC 2015

Saturday, July 25th, 2015

Here’s some pics I took of cosplayers while I was at SDCC 2015. I’ve got more photos of the show in general to show off as well, so stay tuned.

Fanmade Immortan Joe Respirator Mask

Monday, May 25th, 2015


Looking to cosplay as Fury Road’s Immortan Joe in the near future? Then you might want to consider a “Skull Respirator Half Mask” currently available on Etsy. Made from cold cast aluminum fiberglass with resin and rubber parts, it comes with an adjustable elasticated strap, and foam padding on the inside.

Build time is 4-5 weeks due to increased demand, but it looks worth the wait.


Team Fortress 2 – Heavy Minigun Prop

Sunday, May 4th, 2014

I am Heavy Weapons Guy….and this is my weapon. She weighs one hundred fifty kilograms and fires two hundred dollar, custom-tooled cartridges at ten thousand rounds per minute. It costs four hundred thousand dollars to fire this weapon…for twelve seconds.

YouTuber Cory Alexander developed this prop model of ‘Sasha’, the Heavy class’ default minigun from Team Fortress 2. Built using 3D printed parts along with traditional materials and techniques, ‘Sasha’ features lights, motors, and full sounds.

This build is a component of a Heavy costume that will be revealed at Phoenix Comicon in June.

Stronghold Leather – Clawed Gloves

Thursday, February 27th, 2014


A reader messaged me on Facebook asking if I’d featured these gloves on the page before. I had not, but they’re cool looking, so I used some good old fashioned Google magic to find out what they were. Turns out, a company called Stronghold Leather based in New Brighton, Minnesota makes them. Unfortunately, the pair featured in the image above is sold out, and the mustang brown leather used to make them has been discontinued. However, Stronghold has an eBay store where they’re selling the design in a variety of other colors, along with dozens of other leathercraft items.


Nuclear Snail Studios

Monday, January 13th, 2014


Nuclear Snail Studios is a post-apocalyptic design studio led by Dimitri Zaitsev.

Check out the rest of the apocalyptic series on Facebook.
