After multiple Alpha iterations, DoorKickers has now reached beta status. The following changes and features have been introduced to the Beta build of DoorKickers:
– Challenges: in addition to the 3-star system, you can now complete challenges for each level. These do not count towards unlocking weapons but do gain your troopers XP.
– Plan saving: all paths up to the first “Play” command are saved and restored when restarting the map, also called the Daimaju feature (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5P849j6q5c).
– Unlockable items: items are now unlocked using the Stars currency.
– Unlockable classes: trooper classes (assaulter/breacher/etc.) are now unlocked by leveling up your squad.
– 8 new firearms.
– 3 new armor types.
– 8 new maps.
– Many improvements to enemy AI.
– Line of sight preview when drawing a path.
– Proper feedback indicators for enemies that are about to execute a hostage + added countdown timers for executioners.
– Feedback for the range of all sounds. Can be switched off in options.
– Added indicators for shield area of cover.
– Added enemy tooltips that show their equipment and intentions.
– When the line of fire is blocked by a friendly unit, a proper graphical indicator is rendered.
– The VIPs in “Protect the VIP” scenarios must be activated by proximity in order to be able to control them.
– Can customize the name/appearance of your troopers (wip, for now you can only loop through all the troopers in the database).
– Can now change resolution from the in-game video options.
– Support for more .wav formats. Previously an unknown format would crash the game.
– Added reverb sound effects (wip).
– Added new graphics/sounds effects (ejecting bullet shells, rain, fire etc.).
– Graphical updates to many maps, including the training ones.
– Improved overall graphics.
– Can now disable map zooming/panning from the options menu.
– Arrested enemies auto-move outside the line of fire between a swat and a fellow enemy.
– Selecting between paths that are over-imposed is now much easier.
– It is now possible to switch between pages in the Single Mission selection screen, via the small buttons on the bottom.
– Fixed the 50 mods limit downloaded from Steam.
– The “Export replay to movie” feature now works correctly on more (all?) hardware configurations (and faster).
– A crash that would sometimes happen after enabling/disabling mods and playing a game.
– Mods are no longer deleted after starting the game in offline mode.
– Deploy slots no longer look weird on very large screen resolutions.
– Flashbangs that could sometimes kill an enemy if they hit him.
– Too many trooper radio sounds in replays.
– A bug where shields would not stop bullets coming from grazing angles.
– Snipers can no longer target VIPs.
– A bug where modded weapons would show up more than one time in the equipment menu.
Modding / Structure changes:
– When updating a mod, the mod.xml “description” field is no longer updated on Steam Workshop.
– Can now use additional breaching charge types on a door.
– Maximum map size is no longer hardcoded at 4096×4096, though it’s still limited by the maximum texture size supported by the GPU. Recommended 8192×8192.
– Added more rendering layers (can now control which item renders on top of what item with more precision).
– All weapon mods that use bullet_trace.tga + bullet_trace_shotgun.tga should now use the .dds versions. Will remove the .tga ones in the next update.
– All weapon mods should update the firearms flare rendering layers to mimic the ones in the new equipment.xml version.
– All weapon mods should add bullet-shell-on-the-ground sounds like in equipment.xml. If your mod already added such sounds (e.g. SiC), make sure to take them out or add them using the new fields in equipment.xml.
– Graphics / Explosion sounds for flashbangs/breaching charges are now moddable. Mods that modify the flashbangs/breaching charges should modify them according to the new equipment.xml (added the explosion sounds and graphics).
– Crowbar/lock-picks added to the equipment items and can now be modded.