Our friends over at Weapon Outfitters recently had an opportunity to do a ‘Tank Girl’-inspired photo shoot, and they’ve given TFB the exclusive First Look. Featured in the photos is a custom-built AR-15 featuring Weapon Outfitters’ Custom Upper #11, with lower receivers built by Aero Precision Inc. and Umbrella Corporation Weapons Research Group. Weapon Outfitters would also like to extend their appreciation towards B.E. Meyers & Company, Inc. for allowing them access to the half track used as the set of the photo shoot.

Uppers: Weapon Outfitters Custom Upper #11: Geisselle Sand SMR with Daniel Defense 14.5″ on a Parallax Burnt Bronze receiver
Lowers: Courtesy of Aero Precision Inc. and Umbrella Corporation Weapons Research Group

About the models:
Tessa Marie is a Burlesque Dancer, Model, Cosplayer, Gamer, and Mamabird at The Manic Menagerie Vaudeville Company. Her father was a tank crewman, which makes this particular shoot a good thematic match for her. Check out her Facebook page: www.facebook.com/TheCrossfoxx
Etheral Rose is an amateur freelance model, nurse, and gamer. She’s quite familiar with firearms and has a bit of training under her belt. Check out her Facebook page: www.facebook.com/E.R.modeling
Check out the rest of the pics at the link below!