Broco Rankin
ONTARIO, Calif., Sept. 20, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — Armor plate protection is now available for everyone at pre-holiday promotional pricing. Broco, Inc.’s new Rapid Deploy Ballistic Protection Sport Backpack looks like an ordinary backpack except this one has two hidden body armor plates – one in the back and another that deploys in seconds to cover the front – to provide ballistic protection in case of an emergency.
The Broco Rapid Deploy Ballistic Protection Sport Backpack is designed for civilians, including teachers, students, parents, coaches, family and friends, as well as law enforcement and military. It is lightweight yet strong and deploys quickly. The removable soft armor plates are NIJ 0101.06 certified level IIIA (handgun) and weigh 1.1 lbs. each. Stronger hard armor plates that are NIJ certified level III (rifle) and weighing 3.3 lbs. each also are available for purchase.

Broco Rankin
“We wanted to deliver something new to the bulletproof backpack market that would benefit everyone,” said Richard Ferry, president of Broco Rankin. “The Broco backpack does that with two armor plates instead of just one. We made it lightweight and strong for everyday people based on our experience with the tactical tools and gear we provide to first responders.”
The rapid deploy feature is quick and easy. In the event of an emergency, pull the quick release cord on the shoulder strap to separate the two compartments and pull one over the head. The result is bulletproof protection over vital body parts on both front and back. The civilian model is available in blue, gray, maroon or black. The tactical model comes in tan or black with a molle system or laser cut, and can be ordered without the Broco logo for more discrete protection.
“We initially created the Rapid Deploy Backpack for our first responder and military customers. Then we decided that it was versatile enough to protect anyone in a public place,” concluded Ferry.
Broco Tactical is part of the Broco Rankin family of companies based in Ontario, California. In addition to tactical and forced entry products, Broco, Inc. designs and manufactures underwater cutting and welding equipment, and industrial exothermic Broco Rankin cutting and welding systems. Rankin Hardfacing, PMA Protective Metal Alloys, and Chamberlain Security are part of Rankin Industries which designs and manufactures buildup, hardfacing and specialty nickel alloy products.
For more information and special promotional pricing, please call 909.483.3222 or 800.845.7259, visit www.broco-rankin.com, or contact Margaret McCallister at 223258@email4pr.com. Broco Rankin is located in Ontario, California, USA, and most products are available through a global distributor network. broco-rankin.com/BestBulletProofBackpack