After the popularity of their Kiddie Plate Carrier (KPC), Extreme Gear Labs has released the Micro Melly PC. This itty bitty operator sized plate carrier, with foam SAPI plate insert, are sewn identically to real plate carriers except for scale (and they’re set up so they won’t actually accept plates, to prevent any accidents on the part of the phenomenally stupid). It was immediately described as
“better than a MultiCam onsie” once pictures were released. The exact amount of load capacity at this point is unknown and is likely dependent upon the size of the operator. Potential loadouts are projected to include a spare bottle, tactical bink (the word pacifier cannot be used to refer to gear like this), an emergency dash of baby powder and definitely some non permissive environment suitable butt wipes. There is a drag handle in the event of an exigent situation after cribside brawls.
Like the EGL Kiddo Plate Carrier, the Micro Melly is multi-Nerf hit rated.

Side view of Micro Melly: pistol mags for size comparison...hand sanitizer or butt wipes are a more likely loadout.