For Immediate Release
World’s Largest Gun Guide on your Keychain!
Los Angeles, CA, Impressum Media, June 19th 2018 — Impressum Media, publisher of the Firearms Guide series of guns & ammo reference and value guides is proud to introduce their new 9th Edition. The new Firearms Guide 9th Edition is published as an online publication at for gun enthusiasts worldwide and for retail distribution / gun shops on a super fast Flash Drive: Firearms Guide 9th Edition Flash Drive & Online Combo, a shelf ready product with free updates.
After 12 years of development, this new 9th Edition of Firearms Guide grew so much that it became too big for a double-layer DVD (max 7.4GB) so it is published on a 16GB USB Flash Drive as a Flash Drive & Online Combo.

The new Firearms Guide 9th Edition Flash Drive & Online combo is:
1. A Reference Guide that presents over 73,000 antique and modern firearms, air guns and ammunition from 1,110 manufacturers worldwide
– presents guns with tech specs –50,000 hi-res pictures – features – ballistics – prices
– computer searchable with 14 different search criteria: caliber, year, price, action, etc
2. A Gun Value Guide that presents antique and modern guns with gun values online based off of the 100% – 30% condition ratings – ideal for gun traders & collectors
3. A Gun Schematics & Blueprints Library with 8,000 printable gun schematics, parts lists and blueprints for all types of antique and modern guns – ideal for gunsmiths
This year hundreds and hundreds of blueprints for antique guns are added and also original Russian blueprints for complete AK-s, but also for 1911-s and AR-s.
4. Target Library & US-EU Caliber Chart – it presents 650 printable targets (zombies, animals, silhouettes, crosshairs, etc) and convenient caliber two-way conversion chart for American and European calibers
5. Better than Google – With 14 search criteria you can perform simple or complex searches that you cannot do with Google and get precise search result. For example, if you type in Google “polymer frame pistol in 9mm” your search result is 482,000 web pages. The same search in Firearms Guide will bring up 300 relevant pistols.
“With this new combo you get two products – Off-line and Online Editions. The Flash Drive Edition is a super fast, modern standalone off-line edition for PC and Mac that you can carry on your keychain. The Flash Drive also carries activation codes for the Online Edition that, once activated, our users can access from any computer and tablet from any location, 24/7. Updates are free.” states Chris Mijic, editor of Firearms Guide.
The new 9th edition is $29.95. Flash Drive & Online Combo is $39.95. Free Updates. Please find more info at