I’ve always wanted bio-mechanical upgrades. Who doesn’t want legs that let you run 50 mph or an arm that can punch through a tank? Of course this commercial only shows civilian applications for augmentation, but it’s pretty obvious what you can really do with this kind of tech. Gun-arm, anyone?
For those of you not in the know, this is a commercial for Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Sadly, it ain’t real.
Explosions via claymores, stunt jumps by members of Action Factory, airsoft weaponry made real, with a nice splash of Adobe After Effects to tie it all together. Classic freddiew. I like how he whistles the Metal Gear theme just before the action starts. Nice touch.
This game isn’t getting nearly enough attention: high customization, parkour, team based multiplayer, beautiful graphics. It’s been described as a cross between Team Fortress 2 and Mirrors Edge. I totally agree with that, except for one thing extra: MOLOTOV COCKTAILS!
Here’s some footage of the Kel-Tec KSG in action in the “Eat Lead” course by Nutnfancy. To be specific, it’s a video demonstrating the strengths and weaknesses of the system, how it compares to a Winchester 1300 running the same course, and some pistol shooting thrown in for good measure. Also, the video’s pretty damn long, a little over 45 minutes, so only those with an abnormally large attention span will be able to sit through the whole thing without skipping around.
Remember yesterday’s first article? The chick in the bikini dual wielding those Glocks? Pretty hot, right? Yeah, imagine that times a thousand, and that pretty much describes the above vid. This is definitely a better way to start the day.
The title explains it all, except this ain’t really a joke, just completely immature toilet humor. Man, I totally hate to see this game being delayed a whole ‘nother month. Oh, NSFW and all that; you know the drill, it’s Duke after all.
A video staring a hot chick dual wielding Glocks while wearing only a bikini? Is there any better way to start the day? Possibly, but I can’t think of anything at the moment; too busy re-watching this vid.
This video from UNCTV shows the process by which Red Storm Interactive collects the sounds and looks of multiple firearms to further enhance the quality of their own games. They do this by recording the weapons shots at a range, then later having advisers come in with real weapons so they may record all the individual features. This insures the firearms are accurately modeled in their games, especially compared to other development studios. This is something I personally appreciate, because too many times I’ve heard firearms in games that just look and sound completely wrong. If you ask me, the extra effort is well worth it.
Youtuber FPS Russia seems to have access to two things: a metric ass-ton of disposable income, and some impressive connections in the firearms trade. In each video he picks from a diverse collection of weaponry, including the appropriate to his namesake AK-47 and the “most powerful handgun on Earth” .500 S&W Magnum revolver. Using these, he puts multiple rounds into everything from melons to soda bottles to paper targets of hostile clowns, and more often than not, he goes fully automatic. At the very least, the videos are pretty entertaining to watch, if only to see firearms most civilians would never dream of having access to. Also, I doubt that accent is real.
Looking like something out of a action-packed B-movie*, this machete slingshot/crossbow is damn near the coolest, if ‘WTF?’ worthy, DIY project I’ve seen on Youtube. And this is but one of many amazing slingshots from the mind of JoergSprave and his ‘The Slingshot Channel’. But why would he go through the trouble of building something this impractically awesome? It was in response to a challenge from the Youtube community A.K.A. because he could. At least this proves when we run out of bullets, and we want something a bit more intimidating than arrows to launch from our bows, large blades are always an option.
*Attention Robert Rodriguez: Here’s something to consider for the eventual Machete sequel.
TheFilmFestRejects have possibly created one of the best zombie vids available on Youtube to date! It’s a sweet combination of gear, guns, and the undead, with a score system to match. And it’s all done with a comic filter that simply looks beautiful. However, the film does suffer a crime against reason: at the time of writing, it was only at 152 views. Spread the word to remedy this immediately!
I think the above line pretty much sums up how awesome this clip is. But wait, there’s more! It also converts into a shotgun! And do I detect a Wilhelm scream? Why yes, yes I do.
The Gerber Bear Grylls Parang is a parang machete which features an angled blade made from high carbon steel, full tang construction, a textured rubber grip, and a lanyard cord attached to the grip for additional security. It stores in a nylon sheath which is ‘military-grade’ and mildew resistant. In addition, the sheath also has land to air rescue instructions and SOS sewn to the outside, and you also receive a pocket guide of Bear’s survival essentials.
I bought one yesterday for clearing some vegetation in my yard. Not the original intention for the blade, I’m sure, but I did find it’s not very sharp. Not a good quality for something meant for survival. It might be alright on zombies, though, since their flesh is already starting to decay.
We all know how velcro can easily give away a position in a tactical situation. Well, youtuber woodswisdom offers a method to combat this disadvantage. It’s a Special Forces (US Rangers) method he was taught for opening velcro without alerting anyone to the noise. Enjoy.
I’ll admit I had my doubts about this film, but if this trailer is any indication, this movie will do Captain America much justice. It looks a helluva lot better than what that crappy-looking Thor movie is turning out to be. Also, Tony Stark’s dad! I haven’t been this excited about a fictional account of WWII since INglourious Basterds, but there’s little chance we’ll see any Hitler death in this one.
Captain America: The First Avenger is due in theaters July 22nd.
Duke Nukem Forever was almost literally taking forever to be released. It suffered countless engine changes, numerous, non-engine related delays, and even the studio developing it closing down for good, all over a 14 year period. Then, the one game we thought would never be released was finally in sight. Many gamers jumped for joy when they saw it in playable form at PAX Prime 2010, or the trailer on the internet made from nearly-complete gameplay, and all the media outlets saying the same thing: DNF will be relased March 3rd! Finally!
…And then Gearbox Software Head Honcho Randy Pichford had to release this video:
To his credit he does seem genuinely surprised the game is taking another month to be released. And he knows the fans are out for his blood, now. Just keep an eye on it, Randy! First it’s a month, then it’s 6 months, and before you know it, March 3rd, 2024 is the new release date. But that’s all right, because his head will have been on a pike long before that time.
So Crysis 2 came out yesterday. I’ll admit with all the other games coming out it kind of went unnoticed by me, but I’ll be picking it up anyway. After all, who doesn’t want to be a soldier in a super powered nanosuit defending New York City from an alien invasion? If you need a bit more convincing, however, just check out this vid:
He’s like The Predator in that suit! Except, you know, in a good video game. And if the previous Crysis was any indication, you’ll need a PC of near Brainiac-level computing power to even hope to run the game on its lowest settings. That’s why I’ll stick with the 360 version, thank you very much.
Well it’s dark somewhere. Ever had trouble keep it up? Your stock’s cheek riser, that is. Recently, we published an article about Victor Company’s Accu-Stack Comb Risers. While we think we did a pretty good job of explaining what they do, Victor Company produced this commercial to show the benefits of their Accu-Stack Comb Risers and it will probably be the best thing you see, all day (or night). Despite our tagline it is safe for work.
With a proper blend of action and story, Rocksteady released what was truly the first great Batman game, Batman: Arkham Asylum, in 2009. Now, they’re planning to do it again with the upcoming sequel, Batman: Arkham City. Since the events of the last game, Warden Quincy Sharp, now the Mayor of Gotham, bought out large portions of the city’s slums and had them converted into a pseudo-prison housing both the inmates of Blackgate prison and Arkham asylum, with a private military contractor serving as the guards. In addition to this madness, the warden of the new Arkham is Hugo Strange, a dangerous and calculating individual that has deduced Batman’s true identity. From this video, it looks as though the game is coming along nicely, and new features such as an updated ‘detective mode’, improved combat, and improved mobility are much welcome additions. Arkham City doesn’t come out until October, so there’s plenty of time left to finalize and perfect the game, which is both a blessing and a curse. After all, who wants to wait to hear Mark Hamill’s expertly performed Joker this one last time?
What’s better than an interactive tribute/sequel to Stanley Kubrick’s ‘The Shining’? One staring Duke Nukem of course. Although the premise of a “U.S. Marines Special Operative” (yes, that’s seriously Duke’s role in this game) being recruited to deal with the caretaker of the Overlook Hotel and all it’s supernatural horrors is a little ‘out there’, the amazing attention to detail of the mod more than makes up for it.
The KSG (Kel-Tec Shotgun) pulled a lot of buzz during SHOT Show, due to its 14+1 shotshell capacity and [semi] unique bullpup design. It also happens to be on my personal list of must have firearms for this year. This video shows some updates done to the design since SHOT, some good, some bad. For example, fixing the trigger reset was a big win. Cutouts on the magazine tubes as an ammo indicator; good in theory, but a potentially harmful entryway for dust and debris. Still, the KSG won’t be released until later this year, so it’s entirely possible that the design can be further refined by then. Even so, I still hate waiting for the newest futuristic-looking scattergun to finally be in my hands. Where’s Doc Brown and the DeLorean when you need ’em?
Visit keltecweapons.com for more information on the KSG and other Kel-Tec firearms and products.
This is the trailer for ‘Find Makarov’, a fan film based on Infinity Ward and Activision’s Modern Warfare property. The website where all of this started, findmakarov.com, led many fans and media to believe it would lead to some information on Modern Warfare 3. However, Activision was quick to debunk these rumors, saying there is currently no plans to announce the much anticipated title, or any CoD game for that matter. Instead it’s a creation of We Can Pretend, a creative collective based in Toronto, Canada. Although this doesn’t have anything to do with MW3, the awesomeness of the film does take some of the sting out of not hearing about a new Call of Duty. Also, I keep reading it’s a ‘trailer’, and that term usually means there will be a much longer film out at some point. If it retains the same quality then it’ll definitely be something worth waiting for.
With SIGG’s FSSG drop-in selector switch. It replaces the rear slide plate on any model Glock and allows the user to switch between full and semi-auto, up to 1200 RPM. Although the legality of making your pistol full-auto varies by location, the price one of these switches is going for on this auction is almost too good a deal to pass up. Of course it always helps to see it in action before you buy:
And when I said any model Glock, I meant it: that’s a Glock 35, which fires .40 caliber. Wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of that.