Yes, you too could contribute to Skynet (not, according to its staff, the one that was supposed to kill us on April 19th).
The website says Have a computer? Want to help astronomers make awesome discoveries and understand our Universe? Then theSkyNet needs you! In fairness, this could be a great idea, but personally we think it sounds better if you read it with the voice of the narrator from the Starship Troopers movies.
Contribute to real scientific research and help scientists unlock the mysteries of our Universe!
Your computer is bored. It has spare computing power nearly all the time that could be used to do something cool. So why not let it? By connecting 100s and 1000s of computers together through the Internet, it’s possible to simulate a single machine capable of doing some pretty amazing stuff. That’s what the SkyNet is all about – using your spare computing power to process radio astronomy data.
The Skynet.
Nothing could go wrong here, right? It’s not like it could become self aware (Google will be doing that).

This article is credited to Richard Kilgore of