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Predator EDC is live

Wednesday, May 2nd, 2012

Predator Intelligence Blog (which you should read if you’re not a peacenik or too granola) has a new affiliated store: Predator EDC. EDC as in “Every Day Carry”. Go check it out.

Now. Go check it out now.


Gratuitous hot girl with gun

Tuesday, May 1st, 2012

She must be a good shot...or she's creative when it comes to carrying reloads.

Steve Fisher running a Legion rifle

Tuesday, May 1st, 2012


Here’s Mr. Steve Fisher of Magpul Dynamics, giving a rundown of the Legion Firearms LF-15D with their hexagonal barrel ‘honeycombing’ and assorted furniture. Here’s some more information on the hex-fluted barrel, http://kitup.military.com/2012/03/hex-fluted-rifle-barrels-whys.html, and here’s more about the basic rifle. http://soldiersystems.net/2012/01/04/legion-firearms-lf-15d/

Good stuff, good shootin’.

The Mad Duo’s most recent SITREP

Monday, April 30th, 2012

from Kit Up! over the weekend.

The new issue of Recoil Magazine is out. If you haven’t read one yet, you really should. Plus, they love the Mad Duo. Just ask them. Picture courtesy of OneUp Design Lab.

The cake celebrating issue one's success. (They're gonna need a second cake, and if they wind up going monthly or even bi-monthly they'll all be fat asses).










Gratuitous hot girl with gun

Monday, April 30th, 2012

Poor dear may get sunburnt...and she has no reloads.

MoH Warfighter and US Optics

Monday, April 30th, 2012

You see this on Soldier Systems Daily?

Starting May 14, TAC-TV will air back to back episodes on the Sportsman Channel and extended versions on TAC-TV.com with an inside look at the new Medal of Honor Warfighter game. LAV takes the developers and creative team to the range to get hands on time with guns from the game. Then the TAC-TV crew gets a behind the scenes look at the work going into making this the most authentic military shooter ever made. Using Tier 1 operators as consultants and partnering with premium firearm industry partners like LBT, Mechanix Wear, McMillan, SureFire, Trijicon, and LaRue Tactical.

Deadlight: Apocalypse of the 80s

Monday, April 30th, 2012

1986…Out of Africa wins Best Picture. Reagan sends bombers to make a point in Libya. The Russians in Chernobyl have a really bad day. The Goldwater-Nichols Act is signed into law. The radio is playing Lionel Richie, Klymaxx and Mr. Mister…and apparently there’s a zombie apocalypse.

Who knew?

Dual Wielding

Sunday, April 29th, 2012

Not always a bad thing.


Cold COLD weather cctv

Sunday, April 29th, 2012

Live in Oregon Canada South Dakota the Arctic Circle and need some security for your house? Maybe you’re a voyeur and you dig Eskimo girls. Check out the Arctic PTZ, a monitoring camera setup for outdoor locations in extreme locations and conditions using “IndigoVision”. Perfect for the house with polar bear problems or other places where you’re freezing your ass off but need cctv anyway.

Read about it.



Afternoon with an African Warlord

Sunday, April 29th, 2012

AKs and Ostriches:

“These men, the most powerful and feared in all of Liberia, lived in constant fear. Fear of falling out of favor, fear of being betrayed, fear of being held accountable for what they had done. They were afraid of Taylor and afraid of each other. As the ostriches and armed thugs wandered across the lawn, I realized that no matter how terrifying Taylor might be, he was still just a man — and a vulnerable one at that. The guns, smuggled diamonds, and expensive Thai mistresses were all just a house of cards, always near collapse.

Our meeting took the better part of two hours. Taylor concluded the discussion with a smile and a threat: “If your next report contains the same inaccuracies, we will think it was not done in good faith.”

As we were being escorted off the lawn, I turned to the aide who was seeing us out. I had to ask. “What’s the story with the ostriches?”

“The president likes animals,” he replied. “There are three ostriches. There used to be four. One ostrich swallowed a cell phone, and when it rang, the bird went berserk. The bird was so badly injured that he died. The president was very upset.” He told the story as if it were the most normal thing in the world…”

Read the story in its entirety.

Gratuitous hawt tattooed chick

Friday, April 27th, 2012

New PJ Art from Tactical Drawings

Tuesday, April 24th, 2012

Tactical Drawings does great work. Artist Joonho ‘JK’ Kim is from Seoul, South Korea. He was in the ROK Army before coming to the US. Since 2004 he has been a part of the chaplain program at the Pima Count Sheriff’s Department and in 2005 he became the Pima County Regional SWAT chaplain. He also teaches edged weapon fighting to local LEOs, military personnel and contractors.  In addition to being a talented artist (a great understatement) he is a genuinely nice and self-effacing man. Check out his website.

About the PJ artwork he says, “I hope that my drawing properly depicted their courage, dedication, brotherhood, and loyalty. They truly live up to their creed: That others may live.” You can buy the print here.


Update from Airsoft Extreme

Tuesday, April 24th, 2012

Click on image above to see all the information on SB1315



SB1315 will cause great confusion regarding where you can own and use Airsoft guns in California, and ultimately lead to the elimination of our sport as we know it!

Please call only the senator who represents the district where you reside and/or work only. You can find your state senator via this link

New HK G36C Competition



New H&K G36C Competition (Sportline) from Umarex.  This model has electric blowback and full metal gears and gearbox.  An 8.4v NiMH rechargeable battery is included for a low price!



Click on image to see more information.

New SO Tech Double Strap Go Bag



This is the latest variation of the highly popular SOTech Go Bag. It now comes with TWO straps. This allows for some different carry options, adding stability and versatility to switch between a sling bag and a backpack-style carry.



Click on image to see more information.

New Rainier Arms PTS Flashhiders


New Flashhiders from Rainier Arms.  These are available in 2 styles, the short and long.  Both are available in CW and CCW thread.


Click on image to see more information.

Madbull RAS Fixing Riser

Madbull / MAX Tactical’s RAS FIX line of products mount onto both the upper receiver and RIS, thus making the RIS and upper receiver connect tightly. It can also be used as a scope riser mount.




Click on image to see more information.

Join Airsoft Extreme on Facebook.

Now for something a little different….

Monday, April 23rd, 2012

I like the show River Monsters. I wish I could tag along sometime, or at least throw some of the annoying neighbor kids out into the water with a goonch or one of the other critters. In the meantime I stumbled across something for those of you who like to go fishing without dynamite or field expedient explosive bait. It’s a video series, Hooked on Fishing the Golden Gate. There’s something like four volumes, and number four was named “Best Fishing Video in America” by the Outdoor Writers of America.

I’d still rather go fishing with EOD guys, but this will work in the meantime. More about it here.

Custom Zipper Pulls for night work

Monday, April 23rd, 2012

Billy’s Custom Gun Works makes a lot of different things our audience might like (such as their rifle slings). Here’s something pretty simple thrown together for a blowout kit carried by one of the Battle Systems LLC guys. They’re zipper pulls made from red and black paracord with glow in the dark tracers and glow in the dark beads. Now, obviously there are tactical considerations. We’re not saying you want one of these on your gear as you go hauling out the back of a Shithook to go kill assholes in the Hindu Kush. We’re just saying they might come in handy for a search and rescue kit, camping rig, TEOTWAWKI gear, etc.


Gratuitous hot girl with gun

Friday, April 20th, 2012

This may be one of the most awesome gratuitous hot girls with guns we’ve ever seen.

You’re welcome.

We'll forgive the fingers on the triggers this time.

Nom nom nom…Gratuitous hot girl with gun

Tuesday, April 17th, 2012

Tactical Fanboy: Gratuitous hot girl with gun.

He’s pissed about what he don’t know about Abbottabad

Tuesday, April 17th, 2012

From the skewering wit and insight of Weaponsman.

Another Internet Commando Demands Answers

Is this John Hudson? Image: A blogger who likes guns and planes — our kind of guy.

Another Internet Terrorologist(*) in the Thpenther Ackerman mode is vewwy vewwy upset that he doesn’t have better visibility into the Abbotabad raid that whacked Bin Laden. No word on whether he’s packing his backpack and running away to join the thircus. On the other hand, we can take it to the bank that he’s not running away to join the Army (or Marines or SEALs). Or even the Air Force, that noble alternative to military service. But I digress.

More Revisions to the Official Bin Laden Raid Story – Global – The Atlantic Wire.

As John Hudson, the Internet Terrorologist in question, puts it in The Atlantic, a publication legendary for its insistence that Sarah Palin’s last kid was some kind of Manchurian Child doppelgänger, “the narrative of the raid on Osama bin Laden’s compound is getting another revamp.”

Let me explain it in terms even the uterus detectives at the Atlantic can understand: those who know aren’t talking, and those who are talking don’t know. 

That’s the way we roll in the special ops world. Even a retired SEAL DEVGRU officer can’t find out what happened (Chuck Pfarrer is exactly that, and his book is part laughably speculative and part reasonably speculative, but absolutely all speculative). A journalist’s odds of getting this information? Hah.

It would be unfair to say that operators think of journalists as something like terrorists. The terrorists at least get some grudging respect for their commitment to their twisted ideals, and their imaginative asymmetric exploitation of the few strengths they have in this lopsided battle. The journalists  — well, we know where they stand. (Thank you, Mike Wallace, poster boy for moral cowardice in his own phrase). If they’re so cosmically good at figuring things out, they ought to know where we stand.

Hudson’s second mistake is assuming that other people are telling the truth — especially journalists. In the rush to get in print in May 2011, no one bothered with accuracy, or with multiple independent sources. They just started typing. “Shaping the narrative,” gathering (or making up) facts that fit, hammering facts that didn’t into shape, throwing facts they didn’t like away. That’s how they roll.

In the latest, Hudson is upset that information in a speech by a CIA lawyer — trust us, he wasn’t there either, and like any lawyer is closer to being part of the problem set than part of the solutions toolbox — contradicts previous statements by Administration wallahs who also weren’t there, some of whom were quoted anonymously by other journalists (try to give that word the tone it needs, somewhere between oxygen thieves and pedophiles).

If you’re concerned about the anonymous (and probably either uninformed or nonexistent) sources of CBS’s David Martin disagreeing with the anonymous (and probably nonexistent) sources of the New Yorker’s Nicholas Schmidle, go for it.

(One thing Hudson has done is brought out the crazies in his comments section. It’s entertaining in an I-shouldn’t-be-laughing-at-these-peoples’-mental-disabilities kind of way. You know the signs: irrational conspiracy theories, accusations of cover-up, blocks of text with no paragraphs).

(*) Terrorologist: a term used exclusively by self-promoting phonies. Hudson doesn’t use it, but he deserves it after this pathetic column).

Stormtrooper wenches…

Tuesday, April 17th, 2012

Well, one of them. Nice outfit eh? The winds of Tatooine weren’t kind to her hair, but hey, that’s one of the dangers of the Mad Minute when you take the Emperor’s Coin.

Gang Fight

Monday, April 16th, 2012

Warning: graphic violence and language, but seriously…what is our society coming to?

Troops celebrating the return of classic MRE styles

Monday, April 16th, 2012

Courtesy of the Duffel Blog

Cincinatti, OH– For over 30 years, Wornick Foods has been producing the Meals-Ready-To-Eat (MRE) that are familiar to troops worldwide. As the years have passed, the meals have changed substantially — and many troops agree — they’ve gotten better.

“I remember my first MRE,” says Marine Staff Sergeant Nathan Puckett, “It was Country Captain Chicken. It looked like the assembly line worker puked inside the wrapper and then sealed it.”

Some new offerings of MRE’s that have been popular with the troops include Chili Macaroni, Beef Brisket, and Chicken Fajita. Despite the success of the latest line of meals, Randy Newbold, Director of Wornick’s Military Business Unit, says the company is trying to innovate further.

“We’ve seen what Hollywood does and what the automakers have done. They look to the past to innovate for the future,” says Newbold, “so we’re re-releasing some of the troops’ favorite old-time meals.

Newbold showed TDB some of the meals chosen as part of their “MRE Throwback Campaign.”

“We’ve received a lot of feedback from our soldiers, sailors, and Marines, and they agreed on quite a few,” says Newbold, “to include the Hot Dog meal, Bean Burrito, and Pasta with Alfredo Sauce.”

“The four fingers of death?” asks Specialist Alan Engel, “Are they fucking serious? I think I may have to kill wild animals or eat nothing but Ramen on my next deployment.”

Newbold also believes that these ‘long lost meal-time favorites of the troops’ as he puts it, will serve another purpose: Preventing swapping. “We believe the re-issue of these meals will significantly reduce the occurrence the troops call ‘rat-fucking the MRE box’. Now they’ll always be able to get their favorite.”

And he says there’s even an added benefit for Wornick Foods. Although its not the main reasoin, Newbold concedes that the campaign is also part of a broad cost-saving strategy.

“The fact is these meals have been sitting in our inventory for almost 10 years, and they’re are taking up shelf space. We actually got a big inventory return when we sent a ton of these meals over to Somalia for goodwill. I guess they are not a big fan of Jamaican Pork, but the troops love ‘em!”

Read the Original Article and follow Duffel Blog.

Darley Defense Day and Smith Optics

Friday, April 13th, 2012

Soldier Systems Daily has reported on Smith Optics Elite before, if you recall. Here’s a candid look at the Tactical Boogie Regulator from the Darley Defense Day at Ft. Lewis. (Smith Optics are the guys who serialize their lenses, the way companies do body armor.) For more information, contact Duffy Cavanaugh [Duffy(at)Darley.com].



The Honey Badger…does he care?

Friday, April 13th, 2012

The Honey Badger really does care.

His mom knows.

Different perspectives on the Honey Badger.

Run for your lives.

Thursday, April 12th, 2012

Part obstacle course, part race…the only bad thing is you can’t shoot at ’em.


Now that would be an event eh? Check out Run for your lives.

Video review: Up Armored Knives and Coatings

Thursday, April 12th, 2012

Nice video review of Up-Armored Knives and Coatings for ya.