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BREAKING NEWS! CoD Blacks Ops 2 and Warfighter ads…

Friday, May 18th, 2012

This just came across the transom at the Tactical Fanboy breaking news desk. EA and Activision, the developers of Medal of Honor Warfighter and Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 have confirmed that two new trailers will air Saturday, 19 May during the Champions League final.

The two games will go head to head with EA buying air time to offer viewers a first look at Medal of Honor Warfighter due to be released later this year. No details are given at this time, or at least none that I can find.  Activision has announced that the spot for Black Ops 2 will be shown during the games halftime interval and show off new facets of the newest addition to the Call of Duty franchise. What that will entail is anybody’s guess.  Probably more cinematics from the game, but maybe, if we’re lucky, a peek at the multiplayer aspect of the game. Who knows? Turn in and find out.

Speaking of CoD 2, have you read about this professor who got his panties in a twist over it? Relax, professor, it’s just a game.

Now back to your regularly scheduled posts.











Gratuitous Hawt Tattooed Chick (NSFW)

Thursday, May 17th, 2012

Yep. We said NSFW, as you requested. Though it could be argued that by now you’d have figured out when we post a gratuitous hawt tattooed chick, you might want to check six before pulling it up on your monitor.


Black Ops 2 Interactive Trailer

Thursday, May 17th, 2012

The history of warfare has been one of innovation, trying to keep one or two steps ahead of your enemy in weapons and technology; anything to give your side the edge on the battlefield.  The 20th Century alone saw dramatic leaps in war fighting technology, from the individual riflemen to nuclear weapons. What does the future have in store for the battlefields of the 21st Century?   Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 explores just that with a six part mini documentary embedded in the reveal trailer. At any point in the trailer you can stop the action and have future war expert and author of Wired for War, P.W. Singer  discuss the progression of technology in warfare, its uses, and what happens when the smart weapons a nation uses malfunction or –even worse- are hacked and turned against their former masters. Lt Col Oliver North USMC Ret and Major Alex Brown, U.S. Army Special Forces, weigh in with the current level of battlefield tech, its uses and capabilities. It’s really an innovative and interesting way to learn what the near future holds, not only for warfare but society in general.

Check out the interactive trailer here.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 hits 13 Nov 2012.


Updating the Shrike

Wednesday, May 16th, 2012

Ares is updating their Shrike, a short-stroke tappet gas piston system weapon with an interchangeable barrel system very similar to the M249 and other LMGs. This is essentially another announcement to the previous ARES-16 AMG which has already been available for a while. Features include a folding side charging handle, gas piston system and various railed topcovers.

“We have spent countless hours refining and perfecting the SHRIKE design, ultimately leading to the unique offering available today,” said Geoffrey Herring, President of ARES Defense Systems, Inc. “Our research and development team is confident that the mission-configurable [ARES-16 AMG] delivers on our promise of an innovative weapons system that will exceed the performance standards required by users in the field.”

“The innovative SHRIKE 5.56 upper receiver is designed to fit any MIL-SPEC quality AR-15/M16/M4-type lower receiver and features a dual-feed system, allowing users to configure the SHRIKE 5.56 from magazine to belt fed in seconds without modification to the lower receiver. Created for the tactical professional and the modern sportsman, the SHRIKE 5.56 offers unrivaled functionality and compatibility to meet the needs of any mission.

Durable, lightweight and user-friendly, the military-grade SHRIKE 5.56 provides tactical professionals and sportsmen alike with the firepower of a U.S. M249 Squad Automatic Weapon (SAW) at nearly half the weight of the current SAW. The dual-feed design of the SHRIKE 5.56 accepts standard 30-round M16 magazines and M27-linked SAW ammunition in 5.56 x 45mm NATO (.223 REM), and fires at a rate of 625 to 800 rounds-per-minute. Furthering its usability, the SHRIKE 5.56 features a quick-change barrel that allows the user to swap barrels in less than three seconds, and the self-regulating gas-piston system is cleaner and more reliable than the legacy direct-gas system.”

More at http://www.thetacticalwire.com/story/259893 or http://www.guns.com/ares-defense-updates-their-shrike-the-ar-upper-that-uses-magazines-and-belts-7820.html. Check ’em out on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/aresdefense.

The Airborne Willy Chronicles: Part One

Wednesday, May 16th, 2012

“God loves the infantry and God loves Airborne Willy.”

ALCON: The following is a recently declassified true story. Tactical Fanboy cannot guarantee the safety of anyone reading this. The information contained herein may be too sensitive to prevent everyone involved from compromise and potential elimination. (Mongrel)

The first time I saw Airborne Willy was on the Tactical Fanboy site. It was a funny post of an older black gentleman wearing a cowboy hat and what looked like an old 1960/70’sera Class B uniform shirt both covered in awards, decorations, ribbons – some not even awarded by the U.S. Army- and patches. Above the shirt’s pocket were two white nametapes. AIRBORN WILLY stitched into the material in bold black letters.  I laughed him off.  Just another nut ball that never served a day in uniform or was weeded out in the first weeks of Basic because he couldn’t hack it or was too unstable yet went on to claim that he was this or that and earned award after award.  They are everywhere.    Many apparently can’t spell. He was supposed to be a new hire for the site but as the months wore on I didn’t see anything of Willy, no mention, no posts, nothing. And that got me thinking. What if I was wrong? Could it be that Willy actually is one of those guys that did the missions we, the public, never hear about? But, instead of staying in the shadows he decided to come out into the light. I wanted to know more, to hear his story.  Maybe I was crazy; maybe I was just going to find myself talking to a nutty old coot that smelled of stale beer, cigarette smoke, and urine.  I didn’t know. What I did know was that one way or another I was going to find out.

Who IS Airborn Willy?


Charlene: CoD Black Ops 2 and PSF Russia

Tuesday, May 15th, 2012

I’m a fan of the Call of Duty franchise of games and of FPS Russia, the guy on You Tube with the fake Russian accent and all those wonderful toys, to quote The Joker from 1989s Batman.  Recently I was watching one of FPS Russia’s recent videos on an armed RPV quadrotor  named ‘Charlene’ when I had an ‘ah ha’ moment realizing where I had just seen another armed RPV quarotor  with the name ‘Charlene’ scratched into it. Anyone else think we might hear someone sounding a lot like FPS Russia in Black Ops 2?

Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 is slated for release on 13 Nov 2012.


Another look at the Art of War

Tuesday, May 15th, 2012

Writer Kelly Roman and illustrator Michael DeWeese’s upcoming graphic novel The Art of War uses the Sun Tzu classic as the basis for a “mind-bending thriller set 20 years in the future when Wall Street is militarized and China is the world’s dominant economy.”

Roman wants readers to think about what the rise of China means for international free speech and freedom, as he explained last year in an interview with The Gothamist.

Read more: http://undertheradar.military.com/2012/05/rebranding-the-art-of-war/#ixzz1uysriQUd 


Monday, May 14th, 2012

…not the show. Some new Benchmade/HK Knives are available. The “Entourage”. It’s gonna be damn near impossible to beat the Triage or the Infidels, but I guess they gotta try. Also some good news, the Benchmade “Knife Wizard” is live again: http://www.benchmade.com/products/knife_wizard.aspx.

Follow ’em on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Benchmade.


Gratuitous hawt tattooed chick (NSFW)

Monday, May 14th, 2012

This one is particularly delightful.

Wish we could tell you who these women are, and their pages or whatnot to support ’em.


Shooting D.O.P.E.

Saturday, May 12th, 2012

Ryan Cleckner covers how to gather and organize D.O.P.E. (Data On Previous Engagements) and how to organize this information to make it readily available in the field. (NSSF Video)

Want a Big Package?

Saturday, May 12th, 2012

Not that sort of big package.


Brian “Pig Man” Quaca, Host and Executive Producer of the Leupold’s “Pig Man: The Series” Television Show on the Sportsman Channel, have endorsed the LMT® .308 Modular Weapon System

Lewis Machine & Tool Company (LMT®), an Illinois-based company that designs, prototypes and manufactures small arms, accessories and tooling components for the military, government, law enforcement, commercial manufacturers and responsible civilians, in keeping with their exclusive endorsement deal with Brian “Pig Man” Quaca’s Sportsman Channel’s television show, Pig Man: The Series, is now making the “Pig Package” available to gun enthusiasts everywhere.
pigman gun
The Pig Package is a LMT® Signature Model MWS .308 with a 16″ chrome-lined barrel in a 1:10″ twist. Other features include a SOPMOD Buttstock, two-stage trigger group, and an ambi-selector and ambi-mag release. Proudly displaying an engraved “Pig Man” logo on the lower, the weapon system also comes complete with an engraved Leupold VX-R HIG 1.25 – 4x20mm FireDot Pig Plex with a Mark 2 IMS mount. It ships with a sling, manual, tactical adjustable rear sight and tactical front sight, one 20-round magazine, two heavy-duty push button swivels, a torque/wrench/driver and three rail panels. MSRP is a piddly $3,488.96.
“I knew straight out of the gate that LMT® folks were serious players,” Brian Quaca commented.  “These are the weapons residing in the hands of our US men and women on the front lines across the world, and if it’s dependable and accurate enough to defend our freedom, I have no hesitation dusting a few dozen pigs with it in the field.”  The Brian “Pig Man” Quaca story plays out on the Sportsman Channel where his rough and tough hunting lifestyle entertains viewers with a different take on a traditional hunting television show.

Leupold’s “Pig Man: The Series“, The Sportsman Channel

Look for Pig Man with his LMT® .308 Modular Weapon system broadcast into 30+ million homes across the country every Tuesday at 2:00 a.m. CST, Thursday at 6:30 a.m. CST, Friday at 11:00 p.m. CST and Sunday at 12:30 p.m. CST and 9:00 p.m. CST.

If you want more, DOWNLOAD the official “Pig Package” Announcement here and the “Pig Package” image here.

Gratuitous hot girl with gun (NSFW)

Friday, May 11th, 2012

Well, truth to tell there’s no gun. But she’s wearing some LBE, that counts right?


Packy and Botasky out on DVD

Friday, May 11th, 2012

Actually, it may have been out on DVD for a while now but this is the first time it occurred to me to mention it (thanks actually to several of the lads on FB for reminding me).

At first I didn’t care for the anime…then it started growing on me. Now I even have a patch from Orca Tactical (http://www.orcatactical.com/store/products/147-orca-industries-cat-shit-one-unit-patch.aspx)

Get it on Amazon.

Call of Duty 2: Hidden QR Code?

Thursday, May 10th, 2012

Nice catch here. We’ll see if anything comes of  it. There’s a QR code on the right side of the butt of the weapon towards the end of 1:53.

Check it out. Let us know if anyone manages to redeem it.

Spoiler: Cops and Zombies

Thursday, May 10th, 2012

The job of coroner has changed substantially. (One must assume this will change all the CSI/NCIS type shows of the day…)

Follow it on Facebook, https://www.facebook.com/Spoiler.Movie.

Thank you, Avatar Toy Armory

Wednesday, May 9th, 2012

In January Microsoft banned Avatar firearms from XBOX Live. Now with the Avatar Toy Armory on the Avatar Marketplace you can give the digital you a little something to fight the forces of evil with 22 different weapons from Voltron’s Blazing Sword to what appears to be an AK-74 with an M203 grenade launcher mounted on it.  In the mood for some dual wielding action?  The Toy Armory has you covered whether you want to show off your skills with dual Lightsabers, pistols, or Micro Uzis. The only drawback, all the real world weapons are colored like Nerf guns.  Oh, well I suppose if FPS Russia can pull it off, so can you.

The Avatar Toy Armory is available on XBOX Avatar Marketplace. Prices range from 160 to 400 Microsoft points. Don’t bother asking me how much that is in real money because I have no frak’n idea.


WWPS wants you to help save the Direwolves

Wednesday, May 9th, 2012


It’s funny…I always thought they’d be more fierce looking than this.

New e-magazines live for May

Tuesday, May 8th, 2012

The May SWAT Digest is live:


as is the new issue of Police Chief:


and lastly, the HALO Harbinger:



Good reads; should be something in there for everyone.

Leitner-Wise Ultimate Shot Glass

Tuesday, May 8th, 2012

Getcha one of these. Sixteen bucks.


Daewoo K11 Explodes (that’s a dammit)

Tuesday, May 8th, 2012

Courtesy of The Firearm Blog

A Korean news website has revealed that in October last year a S&T Daewoo K11 exploded after one of its 20mm grenades was prematurely detonated. The soldier who was operating the gun suffered cuts on his hands and face. Ironically another problem with the gun, the poor lethality of the small 20mm grenades, saved the solider life.


The Korean Department of Defense attributes the problem to electromagnetic interference from the Fire Control System. Reading between the lines, it sounds like it may have been a software bug with the FCS.

I am troubled that it was even possible for the grenade to detonate. The grenade it supposed to be spin-armed, ensuring it has been fired a certain distance before detonating. Maybe a bug in the software (either on the grenade or on the FCS or both) allowed the grenade to be armed at a distance of zero, allowing it to be detonated in the barrel.

Read the remainder of the article from The Firearm Blog.

Gratuitous Hawt Tattooed Chick – NSFW

Monday, May 7th, 2012



Monday, May 7th, 2012

New morale patch from Tactical Korea, designed by “Steve Web St. Louis“. It’s explained as follows, The theory of Charles Darwin said it’s not the strongest who survives, but rather those who’ve best been able to adapt. TEMPORI SERVIRE is Latin, interpreted to mean adapt to the situation. Cool eh? http://www.tacticalkorea.com/

Revision BATLSKIN now available

Saturday, May 5th, 2012

For Your Information and Action:



Essex Junction, VT, USA (May 4, 2012) –   Revision Military, a world leader in protective soldier solutions, announces the much anticipated retail debut of its Batlskin Modular Head Protection System. Designed for use with the Advanced Combat Helmet (ACH), the system is now available for purchase by active duty military and Law Enforcement Officers (LEO) within the U.S. and Canada. Initial size offerings accommodate the ACH helmet’s two most common sizes: Medium and Large, with Small and X-Large sizing available this summer. Comprised of the Front Mount, Mandible Guard and Visor, the Batlskin System provides full protection from blunt force, blast and ballistic threats with lightweight wearability for peak performance. 

“The Batlskin System is a modular solution that lets the soldier armor up or down depending on the imminent threat level. It provides additional, life-saving protection when needed with the ability to quickly doff components once no longer necessary,” explains Jonathan Blanshay, CEO of Revision. “We’re pleased to extend this level of protection to individual soldiers and law officers who operate in harm’s way.”


Available now, the following ACH-compatible Batlskin components can be purchased at Revision’s online store and through select military retailers across the U.S.: the Batlskin Front Mount (MSRP $89.99); the Batlskin 3-Position Visor (MSRP $279.99); and the Batlskin High-Threat Mandible Guard (MSRP $479.99).


U.S. soldiers don Revision’s Batlskin Head Protection System as part of the 2011 Spiral G exercises which took place at the Maneuver Center of Excellence in Ft. Benning, GA.

You may DOWNLOAD the official Batlskin Announcement PDF here and the U.S. Soldier photos here and here

About the Batlskin Modular Head Protection System:

Revision’s Batlskin solution uniquely addresses the soldier’s need for a single, integrated head protection system that’s scalable and adaptable to the realities of modern warfare. More specifically, the Batlskin System enables the soldier to “up armor” his basic ACH helmet shell by adding a ballistic visor, mandible guard, or both. This allows the warfighter to adopt the ideal balance between enhanced protection and lethality.


The Batlskin Multipurpose Front Mount is thecornerstone of the Batlskin Head Protection system. It is a robust and lightweight universal NVG mount that triples as the visor dock and mandible guard attachment point. It offers greater stability than current NVG mounts with a 3-point helmet attachment assembly AND it provides the mechanism for mounting advanced protective equipment.


The Batlskin High-Threat Mandible Guard provides lightweight blunt force, blast and ballistic protection for the lower jaw. Its durable, low-profile design is engineered for rapid attachment and removal while on the run. It can be donned with or without the Visor.


The Batlskin Three-Position Visor is an optically correctface shield that can be worn one of three ways from maximum coverage to maximum breathability: locked, vented or up. It is designed to provide maximum field-of-view and can be worn with or without the Mandible Guard. It is scratch, fog and chemical resistant.

About Revision:

Revision develops and delivers purpose-built protective equipment for military use worldwide. The company, which began with eyewear, has expanded to face and head protection and continues to develop its capabilities for integrated, performance-enhancing soldier systems. To that end, Revision brings together the most advanced expertise, state-of-the-art facilities and finest technical minds. Clients include the U.S. Department of Defense, the Canadian Department of National Defence, the Netherlands Defence Materiel Organization, the German Federal Defence Force and the UK Ministry of Defence. Privately owned and ISO 9001:2008 certified, Revision’s operational headquarters is located in Essex Junction, Vermont, USA, with additional offices in the Netherlands and Canada. For more information, visit www.revisionmilitary.com, write info@revisionmilitary.com, or call +1 252-288-5805. You can also follow us on Twitter at RevisionPR.



Essex Junction, VT, USA (May 4, 2012) –   Revision Military, a world leader in protective soldier solutions, announces the much anticipated retail debut of its Batlskin Modular Head Protection System. Designed for use with the Advanced Combat Helmet (ACH), the system is now available for purchase by active duty military and Law Enforcement Officers (LEO) within the U.S. and Canada. Initial size offerings accommodate the ACH helmet’s two most common sizes: Medium and Large, with Small and X-Large sizing available this summer. Comprised of the Front Mount, Mandible Guard and Visor, the Batlskin System provides full protection from blunt force, blast and ballistic threats with lightweight wearability for peak performance. 

“The Batlskin System is a modular solution that lets the soldier armor up or down depending on the imminent threat level. It provides additional, life-saving protection when needed with the ability to quickly doff components once no longer necessary,” explains Jonathan Blanshay, CEO of Revision. “We’re pleased to extend this level of protection to individual soldiers and law officers who operate in harm’s way.”


Available now, the following ACH-compatible Batlskin components can be purchased at Revision’s online store and through select military retailers across the U.S.: the Batlskin Front Mount (MSRP $89.99); the Batlskin 3-Position Visor (MSRP $279.99); and the Batlskin High-Threat Mandible Guard (MSRP $479.99).


U.S. soldiers don Revision’s Batlskin Head Protection System as part of the 2011 Spiral G exercises which took place at the Maneuver Center of Excellence in Ft. Benning, GA.

You may DOWNLOAD the official Batlskin Announcement PDF here and the U.S. Soldier photos here and here

About the Batlskin Modular Head Protection System:

Revision’s Batlskin solution uniquely addresses the soldier’s need for a single, integrated head protection system that’s scalable and adaptable to the realities of modern warfare. More specifically, the Batlskin System enables the soldier to “up armor” his basic ACH helmet shell by adding a ballistic visor, mandible guard, or both. This allows the warfighter to adopt the ideal balance between enhanced protection and lethality.


The Batlskin Multipurpose Front Mount is thecornerstone of the Batlskin Head Protection system. It is a robust and lightweight universal NVG mount that triples as the visor dock and mandible guard attachment point. It offers greater stability than current NVG mounts with a 3-point helmet attachment assembly AND it provides the mechanism for mounting advanced protective equipment.


The Batlskin High-Threat Mandible Guard provides lightweight blunt force, blast and ballistic protection for the lower jaw. Its durable, low-profile design is engineered for rapid attachment and removal while on the run. It can be donned with or without the Visor.


The Batlskin Three-Position Visor is an optically correctface shield that can be worn one of three ways from maximum coverage to maximum breathability: locked, vented or up. It is designed to provide maximum field-of-view and can be worn with or without the Mandible Guard. It is scratch, fog and chemical resistant.

About Revision:

Revision develops and delivers purpose-built protective equipment for military use worldwide. The company, which began with eyewear, has expanded to face and head protection and continues to develop its capabilities for integrated, performance-enhancing soldier systems. To that end, Revision brings together the most advanced expertise, state-of-the-art facilities and finest technical minds. Clients include the U.S. Department of Defense, the Canadian Department of National Defence, the Netherlands Defence Materiel Organization, the German Federal Defence Force and the UK Ministry of Defence. Privately owned and ISO 9001:2008 certified, Revision’s operational headquarters is located in Essex Junction, Vermont, USA, with additional offices in the Netherlands and Canada. For more information, visit www.revisionmilitary.com or write info@revisionmilitary.com.

Gratuitous hawt tattooed chick

Saturday, May 5th, 2012

Nom non nom, we says.

Original SOE Toiletry Kit

Friday, May 4th, 2012

Original SOE is doing a run of their shaving kit pouches, which they haven’t done for quite a while. Might think about getting ya one, it’ll last about forever.

Original SOE Bags

More on their website http://originalsoegear.com/, or follow ’em on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/pages/Special-Operations-Equipment/372313363858.