MilSim Event has once again set up a hell of ride for those of you into shooting the hell out of each other. They’ve once again staged an operation in Liberty Village at Camp Gruber, Oklahoma (just a few minutes out of Muskogee; Camp Gruber has an awesome MOUT facility, the same one that used to host the Bold Lightning Urban Warfare School). There’s something like 30 structures there, some nice rat-infested sewers to clear and a five story hotel that’s damn near a platoon sized objective (well, depending on the OPFOR of course). A little trivia: Camp Gruber used to be home to several divisions, and during WWII it held several thousand POWs from Rommel’s Afrika Korps. Until a few years ago it was home to the DEA’s “Narc Assault” Air Assault/STABO school, then the National Homeland Security Training Center (thousands of police, fire and military ran through exercises there). At one time it actually had a small MOUT area set up below a huge, emtpy underground cistern that almost nobody knows is still there.
Anyway, we digress. This is from their website: Presents
Battle for LIBERTY
Part 1, The Cookson Hills Raid
Camp Gruber – Gore, Ok
October 29th 2011
The Battle for LIBERTY Milsim Series at the MOUT sites in the Camp Gruber training facility is here. Part 1, The Cookson Hills Raid will be the first of 5 in this annual series. Part 1 will set the stage for how the series will be fought, it will introduce you to a new style of MOUT game mechanics along with all the Areas of Operation, refined milsim rule sets what the game will demand from you, your squad, platoon and army…
Coalition forces will be deployed on a continuous 8 hour operation in an area of the Cookson hills where insurgency has more than set in. This is the breeding ground for the new wave in global terrorism. The mission has high known risks but the Brass needs a foothold in a town, codename MAC, just outside of the major urban area, codename CTF, where the insurgent populous has a strangle hold like no other in history. The CIA stays to the outskirts, never venturing in and the locals are scared to leave. There is no law and the rag tag local army is left alone unless they try to enforce laws. An entire SpecOp team went missing only a week earlier and now the Coalition forces will have to face the inevitable.
October 29, SATURDAY
Gate Open 630am
Checkin 7am
Chrono 730am
Briefing 8am
Game on at 9am
Game off at 5 pm
Raffle at 530pm
MOUT Cleanup 6pm
Gate Closes 730pm
Coalition Forces:
Quick Reaction Force – QRF: DCU 3 color Desert
Expeditionary Force – EF: Tan Flightsuit
International Force – IF: Desert DPM, Tiger or Fleck
Plain Tan or Matching Camo covers on Helmets
(Entire Squad must match camo pattern & Headgear)
90 slots
Transitional National Army:
Transitional National Army – TNA: Woodland Only
Green Hats or Helmets
(Missmatching of headgear is OK)
40 slots
Insurgent Forces:
Nationalist Faction – Non Camo
Seperatist Faction – Non Camo
Non Camo = Non contractor, NON HSLD looks. Black clothes and Jeans preferred
No Helmets, A Shemagh Cover will be provided by MSE
(No matching or wearing of like team uniforms)
80 slots
CIA Combat Operatives
Coyote pants, Black TRU top, Black Helmet
10 (Application Only)
Range Control:
Coyote pants, Black top, RED Plate Carrier, RED hat for MSE Staff
ACU or Multicam for OKARNG
Uniform Note:
This is an active United States Military base that trains all service branches. Absolutely no ACU, Multicam and USMC MARPAT in Desert or Woodland. These are considered garrison and active duty uniforms and will not be worn by any milsim player during this event. Please honor our service men and women by complying. MSE and OKARNG has the right to refuse any player not in compliance.
*Strict uniform, hat, ammo, age, equipment and eyepro requirements apply to all players that enlist. Please read and Understand the requirements and standards that MSE set specific to each team and the overall game. Any color gear is allowed, no restrictions.
Enlistment OPENS September 23rd at NOON.
Enlistment CLOSES October 1st at NOON.
You have a two week window to enlist, first come first served. Payment with enlistment is the ONLY way to secure a slot. 225 Slot Cap. The slots will sell out quickly, be prepared to enlist on the 23rd.
Standard Enlistment Fee:
$55 via Paypal, Link will open on September 23rd.
Range Rules:
US Army Rules and Regulations that MUST be followed:
No foreign Nationals
18 years + (Minors 13 to 17 years old require pre-approval)
Biodegradable BB’s Only. This is Mandatory.
NO HICAP or Winding Magazines. This is a Low or Midcap event.
Must have ID to enter the gate, State or federal issued ID; Drivers License, Passport, etc
Must be willing to submit SS for verification or background check if requested at anytime.
Littering is Prohibited, field strip all butts and pocket any trash you may generate or encounter in the AO.
No Fires or BBQ’s
This is a Federal Facility and we are guests, please act with respect and honor.
Proper uniform, this is the OP where you will be asked to leave and come back only when you have fixed the issue. Not joking, milsim means looking the part.
Everything you need for a 8 hour continuous; Lunch, water, snacks…Nothing will be provided onsite. Real Restrooms are available on the MOUT facility. BIO BB’s
No POV’s in the AO or MOUT Training Facility. All POV’s and passes will be approved through Range Control that morning. Parking will be as close as .5mi from the training facility. No tents, canopys are OK.
Custom Patch, Map and a raffle ticket for a modest raffle
A Specific Color pattern Shemagh will be provided to you if you are on the Insurgent side and is mandatory to wear in game.
Under 18 with approvals. Ages 13 through 17 require special conditions to be met and written permission from the MSE Staff. MSE Welcomes and encourages the Father Son Battle Buddy System. Reference this link. CLICKY HERE We request that all minors apply.
United States Military Traning Facility with MOUT CTF, MOUT MAC, Land Nav200. Parking and Latrines on site
We here at MSE can’t be more excited about this new series and unfortunately all other MOUT experiences will be no match. You, the milsim player have a choice. We know you demand and expect more from a milsim game. We aim to provide you the Finest MILSIMs in the world with the Oklahoma Invasion series and now the Battle for LIBERTY series. Together we will push the limits of Milsim Operations on Urban Terrain setting the bar once again for our passion, our sport, our life…
We invite you to for the latest, updated daily information and banter. *You must be a registered member of our forum to participate in posting, thanks for your understanding.*
More information to follow; Recon pictures of MOUT Sites, Maps, Aerial photos and more…