Hey, remember when this series was based on actual conflicts?
Archive for the ‘Video Games’ Category
Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Reveal Trailer
Wednesday, May 2nd, 2012‘Ghost Recon: Future Soldier’ Xbox 360 Pro Gamepad Review
Tuesday, April 17th, 2012Mad Catz has created another excellent third-party controller in the ‘Ghost Recon: Future Soldier’ PrecisionAIM Pro Gamepad. Decked out in ‘Future Soldier’ imagery with backlit analogue stick modules and “non slip pistol grips”, the Pro Gamepad is as great looking as it is functional. The quick fire triggers are very responsive, as is the d-pad and face buttons, while the sticks offer a degree of accuracy not found in the standard 360 pad. This can be further assisted by activating the PrecisionAIM feature, which slows down on-screen movement for more precise shots.
XL combat buttons on the rear of the pad can be programmed via selector switches (found above the buttons) to function as either face buttons (right combat button) or directions on the d-pad (left combat button). This feature was developed in conjunction with the Ghost Recon development team to best work for use with Future Soldier, although it’s more than useful enough for a wide variety of games. Finally, it features a 3ft braided cable, so no batteries required.
Pricing is in the $40-50 range, so it’s around the same cost as a wireless 1st party controller. Despite this, the controller is a worthy edition to any gamer’s collection of peripherals, if only because it boast a number of noticeable improvements over the vanilla 360 pad. Plus, it just looks pretty damn cool.
Ghost Recon: Future Soldier drops May 22, 2012 (June 12, 2012 for PC)
‘Ghost Recon: Future Soldier’ – Multiplayer Coverage
Thursday, April 12th, 2012I was invited to attend a recent press event for ‘Ghost Recon: Future Soldier’ which included, among info on other exciting features, a first-hand look at the multiplayer. In case you’re wondering, it’s even better than the video makes it out to be.
Multiplayer Overview
Multiplayer pits two teams of 6 against each other in one of four game types: Conflict, Decoy, Saboteur, and Siege. There’s also the obligatory ‘Horde’ mode (with a twist) called Guerrilla. Ten maps will be available shipped with the game. Gametypes are largely team and objective based, so don’t expect anything akin to vanilla deathmatch. The gametypes are as follows:
In Conflict, multiple objectives pop up on the map one after the other as the two teams fight to capture, defend, or destroy them. A typical match might start with both teams trying to, say, secure a data probe, followed by the victor trying to activate an EMP bomb while the loser tries to prevent that action, ect. This continues until the time limit expires. Most objectives captured at the end of the round wins. In the event of a tie, kills serve as the tie breaker. This gametype lasts for one round.
In Decoy, one team tries to defend three objective sites from the attacking team. In an interesting twist, only one of the objectives is the actual true objective, with the other two acting as decoys, hence the gametype name. Also, neither team knows which objective is the true one. If the true objective is discovered by the attacking team, a final objective opens up for them to complete. A round ends if either the defending team runs the clock down or the attacking team completes the final objective. This gametype lasts for best two out of three rounds.
Both teams try to capture a bomb case that spawns in the center of the map and deliver it to the enemy’s base. If a player picks up the bomb, they lose mobility and are restricted to their side arm, but gain unique bombcase melee takedowns. It’s highly advised that the other players escort the bomb carrier to their objective. If time runs out, the round ends in a tie. This gametype lasts for best two out of three rounds.
Siege is essentially Search and Destroy. One team attacks while the defending team tries to protect two bomb sites. There are no respawns, and a team wins if they kill the entire enemy team, manage to set off one of the bombs (attackers), or run the clock down before a bomb can be set off (defenders). This gametype lasts for the best two out of three rounds.
Guerrilla pits a squad of 4 against increasingly difficult waves of enemies and vehicles. Subsequently successful rounds lead to the players being awarded with support actions, from UAV coverage to airstrikes. The twist mentioned earlier is that every ten rounds or so a new position is highlighted on the map. The players have to capture and hold that position against enemies. If any enemy units occupy the space for a short period of time, the round is lost despite how many players are still alive. This mode lasts to 50 rounds.
Class Overview
Character selection is class-based, and each character can be customized with unlockable head gear. Each class has access to unique weapons and special abilities that suit all manner of playstyles. The two factions, the Ghosts and the Bodarks, have faction specific weaponry: the Ghosts favor NATO firearms (higher accuracy, lower damage) while the Bodarks stick to Russian, Eastern European, and Chinese weaponry (lower accuracy, higher damage). It’s also worth mentioning that unlike many other recent games, characters can only take a few bullets before dying (and while there is the presence of regenerating health, it’s extremely slow), so proper use of cover and teamwork is essential in winning most matches. The classes available are:
Unique ability: Chest Armor – allows you to take a bit more punishment from torso shots.
True to his name, the Rifleman class can wield assault rifles. Additionally, they can also wield LMGs, which can suppress the enemy. While suppressed, a player’s screen narrows and darkens, and they lose the ability to attack at all unless they move out of the line of fire, making them extremely vulnerable to flanking maneuvers. Standard thrown equipment is grenades. They can also unlock a medic kit that allows them to revive incapacitated allies.
Unique ability: Active Camo – allows the user to become partially invisible while practicing low mobility.
The Scout wields sniper rifles and, for those who are more CQB inclined, PDWs and SMGs. The active camo automatically kicks in when the player stays still or is slowly moving. It is especially helpful for concealing your position from a distance or in thick vegetation (camping). An equipment upgrade unlocked later on can further improve the camouflage to a level of near complete invisibility. Standard thrown equipment is flashbangs.
Unique ability: Scope Detector – this lets the player know if an enemy is sighting in on them with a scoped rifle via a sound indication.
The Engineer wields personal defense rifles, carbines, and shotguns. Can choose to equip several types of drones, including a man-portable UAV and sentry gun. Standard thrown equipment is motion detectors.
Multiplayer Progression
New equipment and weaponry is unlocked through level progression. In an interesting twist, at unlock milestones, the player often has to choose between one of two rewards. For example, at level 20, an engineer may have the option to unlock either a drone or a movement sensor, and can only have one through the rest of their class progression. At every level up, the player also earns a Gunsmith token for each faction that they can use to modify any weapon of their choosing. Any spent Gunsmith tokens spent are exclusive to that part and weapon only. As an example, if the player chooses to purchase an AFG for their ACR, then the AFG is unlocked for the ACR only, and can’t be used on the other Ghost weapons.
There is a way to reset which choices the player selected, however. In lieu of a “prestige” option, where the player resets all their unlocks and starts again from level 1, they earn a token at level 50 that allows them to respec their character. Additionally, an additional class slot is unlocked and the player can choose one Bodark weapon for a Ghost to use and vice versa.
Multiplayer features tons of unlockables and the gameplay is of a well-paced variety that caters better to teamwork than rushers, so it might not hurt to get a party together instead of playing with randoms. Despite this, it’s definitely one of the better designed multiplayer games I’ve played in recent memory. I’m eagerly awaiting the game’s release so I can give it another go [and maybe beat another player’s head in with a bomb case after flashbulbing them like the first time I played Saboteur; good times].
‘Ghost Recon: Future Soldier’ drops May 22, 2012 (June 12, 2012 for PC).
Ghost Recon Network
Thursday, April 5th, 2012What is Ghost Recon Network? Well, in layman’s terms, it could be called the Ghost Recon equivalent to Call of Duty ELITE, but that wouldn’t be doing the service justice. It boasts more than enough unique features to distance itself from its competitors.
Ghost Recon Future Soldier 7.1 Surround Headset
Thursday, April 5th, 2012Tritton has a new set of headsets out for those of you who’re jonesing for Ghost Recon: Future Soldier. It uses Dolby Surround 7.1 technology to create the “immersive feeling of high-end home theater setups.” I don’t know if the “3D sound field” will give you a competitive edge, but it will certainly improve the sense that you’ve been transported into the war zone. Find more information on this and other Ghost Recon related gear at Madcatz.
Skyrim Hoarders, on A&E
Thursday, March 29th, 2012Yggdrassil must perform an intervention on this poor thief, with the help of the thief’s housecarl. Poor bastard. He’s got a problem, but the first step is admitting it.
Ghost Recon: Future Soldier Co-op Walkthrough
Tuesday, March 27th, 2012Check out this video walkthrough of a Co-op mission in the upcoming Ghost Recon: Future Soldier. Come for the invisible camouflage, stay for the awesome gameplay.
Ghost Recon: Future Soldier drops May 22, 2012.
Medal Of Honor Warfighter Announcement Trailer
Thursday, March 15th, 2012Check out this announcement trailer for the upcoming Medal of Honor Warfighter, the sequel to 2010’s Medal of Honor. If its anything like its predecessor, Warfighter will be the perfect blend of action and realism set in actual modern day conflicts. Its also worth mentioning that Danger Close, the developer, will be handling multiplayer duties along with the campaign this time around, and the game is running on the latest version of Frostbite 2 instead of a modified Unreal 3 engine.
Medal of Honor Warfighter drops October 23, 2012.
BioShock Infinite – Motorized Patriot
Saturday, March 10th, 2012BioShock Infinite was already looking pretty damn cool, and that’s before I saw this video for the robotic, Gatling-gun wielding George Washington. October 16th can’t come soon enough.
Battlefield 3: Aftershock
Sunday, February 12th, 2012EA has released Battlefield 3: Aftershock, a free game app on the iTunes store inspired by the upcoming movie ‘Act of Valor’. It’s a multiplayer game with four weapons (five, with an unlock) and “leading edge graphics”. Not bad for something free.
Thanks to Rob for the tip!
Jedi by Kinect
Saturday, February 4th, 2012It’s Official: Man Vs. Wild With Bear Grylls Is The Greatest Video Game Ever
Saturday, February 4th, 2012From sweet, gravity-defying flips to snake skin canteens full of urine, this video featuring (hilarious) commentary by best friends Matt and Pat easily shows why the Man Vs. Wild video game is the greatest game ever.
Words of warning: you may want to turn your volume down just a tad. Also, the video is a bit NSFW.
Reader Guest Blog: “FROM DUST!” Says Sherman
Friday, February 3rd, 2012ALCON: We’re going to periodically feature some guest blogs from our readership (assuming they can write somewhat intelligently
about something our audience would enjoy…which pretty much is guns to movies to video games to boobs real and imagined…) The first installment of Reader Guest Blog comes to you from the convoluted and somewhat Escher-print-like gray matter of Isaac Sherman, the author of Pygmalion’s Geas (a blog we only rarely understand). He is also, for those of you who follow the Mad Duo, a contributor to Breach-Bang-Clear. Isaac is going to talk about a game today. Hopefully none of the words are too big.
FROM DUST! says Isaac Sherman. Try it.
After logging an obscene amount of time playing Skyrim, I came across this game on Steam. Just 5 USD and it looked like just my style. What’s not to like about being a pagan god with gozillions of minions?
It’s called From Dust, by Ubisoft, and I figured, “Why not? It’s less than lunch at Applebee’s.” Of course, I only eat at Applebee’s on Veteran’s Day because it’s free for military (it’s really not that good), but the logic seems sound. Just a few days ago it was on sale for 66% off the regular price of $15 (FYI, those Steam guys are great for selling gems at a huge discount, it’s worth taking a peak every now and again if you’re not already ware of it.) Oh and yes, for clarity’s sake, this was on the PC.
Aliens: Colonial Marines Contact Trailer
Wednesday, February 1st, 2012Check out the latest trailer for the upcoming ‘Aliens: Colonial Marines’. It’s Kick-ass Space Marines fighting terrifying Xenomorphs, all gloriously pre-rendered. Sure, there’s no actual new gameplay footage, but it already looks a lot better than ‘Alien 3’ could ever hope to be. It’s a shame this game got pushed back to Fall.
Resident Evil 6 Reveal Trailer
Saturday, January 28th, 2012Check out this reveal trailer for the upcoming Resident Evil 6. Fan favorites Leon S. Kennedy and Chris Redfield return as the main characters along with a brand new protagonist as they deal with a world-wide zombie/BOW (Bio Organic Weapon) outbreak. Looks even more action packed than previous games in the series, which, considering 4 and 5, is really saying something.
Resident Evil 6 drops November 20th, 2012.
SHOT Media Range Day – EOTech
Tuesday, January 17th, 2012Two new products on display at EOTech’s booth attracted my Fanboyish tendencies. The first was the MW3 Holographic Hybrid Sight II. The MW3 sight is composed of the EXPS2-2 holographic sight with 2-dot reticle combined with the G33.STS magnifier. The MW3 logo is clearly displayed on the side of the EXPS2-2. Like other kits in the Hybrid Sight family, the Quick Switch to Side (STS) mount allows the operator to disengage the magnifier with a simple lever flip, then snap it back into place as needed.
The other product is the XPS2-Z Zombie Stopper Holographic Weapon Sight. The main feature that differentiates this sight from the standard XPS2 is the use of a biohazard symbol as the target reticle, which features a 65 MOA ring with a 1 MOA aiming dot. The reticle is also displayed on the top of the sight in white instead of red. Additionally, the final product will feature a stylized Zombie Stopper logo on the side of the sight. At the very least, it’s a relatively unique concept; no other company, to my knowledge, has done a zombie themed reflex sight with a biohazard reticle before. It’ll be available in April of this year with an MSRP of $559.
CES 2012 – CTA Digital Inc. – U.S. Army Licensed Products
Friday, January 13th, 2012CTA Digital Inc. has released a line of officially licensed U.S. Army video game peripherals. Seen above is the Elite Force Assault Rifle (US-EFR). Modeled after an M4 Carbine with an EOTech holographic sight (“modeled after actual military equipment”), the Elite Force controller has every button featured on a standard DualShock 3, including the rumble effect, and connects to the PS3 using Bluetooth. The ‘barrel’ can also be removed from the Elite Force and replaced with a Move controller, turning it into a navigation controller. The controller is powered by two (2) AA batteries. Available in digital camouflage and in Olive Drab with green-grey furniture as the ‘Commando Assault Rifle’ (not pictured).
Also available is the U.S. Army Universal Gaming Headset With 3D Effect (US-UGH). The Universal Gaming Headset connects to a monitor or sound system via RCA stereo jacks (red and white cables) and directly to your console or PC via USB. This allows you to independently adjust in-game and chat volume using the in-line controller. A ‘3D Sound’ button takes advantage of the triple drivers in each ear cup to deliver realistic sound based on volume and location in-game. Other features include a 14ft cable, removable microphone, and padded ear cups.
Veronica Belmont On Skyrim
Friday, January 13th, 2012Why she says it’s better than Portal 2. We love Veronica Belmont, and we agree with her.
Here’s an excerpt:
1. Yeah, I loved Portal 2. The first time I played it. When it was called PORTAL.
2. Oh, you like your little puzzles, do you? I like slaying dragons using massive fireballs and wielding blades imbued with ice and FEAR. Also, you think running around variations on the same room over and over is exciting, Kiala?? I think your brain was in stasis too long.

3. If you’re bored walking through the (scenic and gloriously rendered) mountains, let me introduce you to a friend of mine: Skyrim Murder Bear. He’s been looking forward to meeting you.
Sandman: Modern Warfare 3
Friday, January 6th, 2012We can neither confirm nor deny whether Dalton Fury based the Modern Warfare 3 Sandman character on Richard “Swingin’ Dick” Kilgore, though no one who knows them both can deny that William Fichtner sounds a lot like Swingin’ Dick. (Fichtner was the voice of Sandman in the game, if you didn’t know.)
Games, like movies, have some great one-liners and scenes. Just to satisfy TFB’s curiosity, what are your favorites from MW3?

Sandman, from Modern Warfare 3. Many people aren't aware that he was actually on leave and playing quarters with cheap beer alongside Richard Kilgore the night before he was tasked with Operation Kingfisher.
Here’s a bonus pic: Lego Sandman.
So anyway, there’s like 40,000+ lines in the game. Any of them seem particularly cool to you?
Microsoft To Ban Avatar Firearms From Xbox Live
Sunday, January 1st, 2012Happy New Year, everybody! Sadly, it looks like us here at TFB will have to start said year off with a story about a denial of Second Amendment rights. Well, digital Second Amendment rights, anyway. It looks like M$ is withholding any additional sales of Firearms-like items for your XBL Avatar starting this year. This news comes directly from Epic Games Community Manager Will Kinsler. Since Epic is known for their games involving tons of bullet-shooting, rocket-launching, acidic-goo-spewing weaponry, there’s little reason to doubt Mr. Kinsler’s word, even without an official confirmation from M$ themselves. Luckily, if you’ve already bought one of the targeted Avatar items, you’re grandfathered in, so wield those Lancers and Hammerbursts with pride!
Thanks to a reader for the tip!
TacHacker – Articulated Street Sign Armor
Saturday, December 24th, 2011Looking to perfect that Mad Max or Fallout cosplay? Then you might want to follow the example of Ivan Owen and build a set of street sign armor. Although the exact details are scarce, the piece was constructed from forming street signs using an anvil and ball peen hammer and affixing said signs to a belt harness. Mr. Owen also has an Etsy store where it’s entirely possible you can commission said armor, provided your smithing skills aren’t up to snuff.
Tactical Fanboy Gift Idea: Razer Onza Tournament Edition Controller
Thursday, December 22nd, 2011The Razer Onza Tournament Edition controller was designed to be an improvement over the standard Xbox 360 pad. It features a rubberized surface for increased grip and adjustable resistance analog sticks. The “hyperresponse action” face buttons take much less pressure to activate, which is noticeable when you’re, say, playing a fighting game or chainsaw dueling someone in Gears of War, and every press counts. One of the bigger strengths of the Onza is the 15ft braided cable, since Microsoft doesn’t offer their own official wired controller anymore (no more batteries, or optional charge kit). The only flaw, a fairly small one at that, with the Onza is the “Multi-Function Buttons”. These are two programmable bumpers that share real estate with the standard 360 bumpers. At first, it’s quite easy to accidentally press one of the programmable bumpers instead, but a bit of time spent with the pad will adjust muscle memory accordingly. With better designed ergonomics and a lower price point, the Onza TE is a great choice for any 360 gamers our there, professional or not.
Gratuitous Hot Gamer Girl
Sunday, December 18th, 2011Gravity Gun Replica
Tuesday, December 13th, 2011Harrison Krix of Volpin Props developed this replica Gravity Gun for the purpose of auctioning it at a dinner benefiting Child’s Play, a charitable organization. In the words of the creator, his last piece “…fetched a little more than twice what my car is worth…”, so it’s not hard to imagine the price will definitely be above what many would consider reasonable. But hey, it’s for charity, right? Plus, the Gravity Gun is from Half-life 2; greatest FPS ever, anyone?