Just sayin’.
Check out these camouflage pants from Loudmouth Golf. Sure, they’re Woodland-esque, but they have a little something extra going for ’em.
Loudmouth Golf – Foxtrot-A Pants
Thanks to a reader for the tip!
Warrior Laboratories is a gear review site that covers gear in such varied categories as Vests and Plate Carriers, K-9 Gear and Sharp and Pointy Things. (I enjoy the latter category most, largely because of the name.) The staff of Warrior Laboratories appear to be law enforcement, with a strong background in tactical operations, K9 operations, firearms instruction and (off duty) outdoor pursuits. You might check ’em out.
In the meantime, I’m grooving on this new PVC patch they released, courtesy of Combat Swag. In addition to their website you can find Warrior Laboratories on Facebook.
Hat tip to BOLO Report.
If you haven’t already entered this contest from the fellas at Off The Grid Concepts, you should. They have mad Kydex sculpting skills. It’s a collaborative effort between OTG and Ning the Merciless Ning Wong Photography. It’s pretty simple. Click LIKE on his page and make sure you also LIKE Off The Grid Concepts. Share the posted contest picture on your wall. This weekend they’ll hold a raffle to determine the winner utilizing their high tech, highly accurate wondermous Legion LF15 high speed ballistic random hole generating device (HTHAWLLFHSBRHGD to use the handy acronym). This whole thing is on Off The Grid’s Facebook, so pay attention.
I’m going to make it easy for you. This is the picture you have to link.
Tactical Fanboy: This is the picture you must like to win, and don't forget there are TWO pages you must LIKE to win.
Prizes include:
1st place prize 1 Holster, 1 hand gun mag carrier + T shirt + Thumb HO’ster.
2nd place Prize Any mag carrier + T shirt + Thumb HO’ster
3rd place prize T shirt + Thumb HO’ster
If you aren’t familiar with the HO’ster and HoTac, you are sadly behind the curve and probably still think lining up in ranks and shooting in a volley is the height of current tactical evolution.
Hat tip to the Mad Duo. Thanks boys.
Presenting the AF2011-A1 “Second Century”, a double barrel 1911*. According to Arsenal Firearms, the AF2011-A1 can keep a grouping the size of an orange at 15 yards and the size of a watermelon at 25 yards. Although it boasts a number of unique parts, such as a single slide and single spur double hammer, the firing pins, the firing pins plates, the sears groups, the triple springs, the inner parts of the mainspring housings, the recoil springs and recoil springs rods, the magazine bodies and inner parts, the sights, the grips and grips screws and bushings are all interchangeable with a standard 1911. Additionally, the AF2011-A1 can be customized with either 2 independent triggers and one sear group or with 2 triggers permanently joined and the choice of 1 or 2 sear groups. As for choice of colors, it can be ordered in a mirror finish Deep Blue or with a 3400 Vickers surface hardness White Ash Nitrite coating.
Part of me wants to make fun of it, and part of me wants one really bad.
Random Hat, LLC is a small, two-person company located in Hastings, MN that’s looking to break into the world of 3rd-party Nerf accessories. Their first idea is for the ‘Dart Blaster Tactical Rail Clip Holder’ seen above. It connects to the dart magazine via a Velcro strap, allowing one to attach said magazine to any of the picatinny-esque rails featured on many of the more recent Nerf blasters. They only have until Saturday, March 24th to reach their (admittedly high) goal of $20,000, so don’t don’t wait to long to donate if you feel the project is worth it.
EarPeace earplugs are made from hypoallergenic silicone and come in three colors: brown, white, and tan. This allows for discrete and highly-functional ear protection. Additionally, EarPeace earplugs feature a high-fidelity attenuation filter, which allows for a small amount of unobstructed sound to slip through. Each EarPeace set comes with an Aluminum storage tube and 3 earplugs.
You can buy them at EarPeace.com
Anyone else like Tobuscus?
BioShock Infinite was already looking pretty damn cool, and that’s before I saw this video for the robotic, Gatling-gun wielding George Washington. October 16th can’t come soon enough.
Legion Firearms is hosting Kerry Davis and his Sig Sauer Academy “Bullets & Bandages” course towards the end of March. There are a few slots remaining in the course, and Legion is offering a free billet in the class to the first person who enrolls three people in the course (class cost is normally $500 per billet) as well as a free Direct Action Response Kit (D.A.R.K.) in coyote tan. (Kit Up recently ran a brief overview of the D.A.R.K. if you’re interested.)
Contact Legion at info@legionfirearms.com regarding your entries and their names to take advantage of the contest offer.
Kerry Davis, the progenitor of the D.A.R.K. and the chief Bullets and Bandages instructor has 21 years in trauma medicine and is a seasoned firearms instructor. He started out in the Air Force, was assigned to a specialty medic unit that worked with the 82ND ABN, went on to become a civilian paramedic and then to nursing school. He’s been a trauma/ER for approximately the last decade (tonight he talked to Soldier Systems Daily after a 14 hour day at the ER).
Need a break from all the sudden popularity of the transient Kony give-a-damns? How about some zombie-fightin’ help.
Sometimes the best thing you need to fight a zombie apocalypse is a fine derriere and tight britches.
So I’m clear, the institution of child soldiers is horrific. I won’t be impressed with anyone’s sincerity until they’ve been this enthused about righting such wrongs a month or three from now. Oh, and not until they figure out he’s not in Uganda anymore…and when they realize stuff like this happens in more than one place and all of them are worth fighting against.
In the meantime, help us figure out where she stores her mags and frags.
The only problem with this is that’s it’s not a real feature length film. Great acting, superb special effects, phenomenal directing…
Or, maybe not. It’s funny as hell though.
I’ve copied this excellent article here for your edification but it originates with ODG6 Actual (hopefully the use of ‘6’ and ‘Actual’ require no explanation – if they do, one of our readers will no doubt help out. Off Duty Gamers is a great site; one you should definitely check out. (The video with this article is a little dry, but watch it anyway.)
Introducing LOK-IT, a USB ‘thumb’ or ‘key’ drive that offers all the flexibility of taking your electronic documentation with the peace of mind that your data will stay safe no matter what.
You may have already read that Tactical Concealment built the ghillie suits used in Act of Valor (see Tactical Concealment on SSD). They are very well known in shooter circles for the quality of their kit. That isn’t hype or bs, I’ve talked to several guys who use nothing else. Tactical Concealment essentially builds various “signature management” foundations for various uses, from full-blown ghillie suits to hoods and chaps and everything else. A recent offering from TC addresses those who require more limited signature management. It’s designed for use folks who require some outline work but don’t want to wear the entire thing (like assaulters, as mentioned, or members of LE tracking teams, or perhaps LE K9 units in a rural area…or even just MilSim shooters who want to get close to their target).
The piece in question is the Tactical Concealment Viper. It comes in two forms, standard and “Mosquito”. The latter is built of a new material that substantially decreases weight (you can, in fact, put it in a BDU pocket).
Note: you’re going to pay for this. It’s high end stuff meticulously made for guys and girls on the sharp end by a very small staff. If you’re looking for something less expensive, no worries, but this won’t be it. You get what you pay for. I have some Tactical Concealment gear and believe me, it’s solid and built to last. Go like ’em or friend ’em or whatever you call it on Facebook, right now, and tell ’em TANSTAAFL of Tactical Fanboy sent ya. You won’t get anything for doing so, but it will make me look good.
From the website:
“Whether you’re an assaulter or sniper the benefit of suppressing your visual presence to the enemy is extremely important. Tactical Concealment’s Viper is a new high-speed garment designed not just for snipers but for any operator who can benefit from having a tactical edge edge toward visual based camouflage/concealment. Specific to this type of operator is that the Viper is designed to be worn in conjunction and work in unison with combat loadout equipment including tactical vests, armored plate carriers, assault vests and any size backpack. Any tactical operator can now achieve the camouflage/concealment effectiveness of a sniper and his ghillie suit but scaled into a package that is practical and suited toward the working needs and working requirements of an assaulter…”
This looks really, really cool. Sure, there are elements of some other movies in it (notably Robocop) but I’m not really sure that should matter. I can’t think of any movie in the last decade that didn’t have at least some elements of other movies in it. Frankly it’s easier for haters to hate than come up with a good product on their own. This is obviously a project of love and I’m really looking forward to seeing the finished product.
If you want to follow the film’s progress and see what Aaron Sims has to say (the project has now been picked up by a major studio), check ’em out on Facebook.
A creation of Stephen Sanderson on redbubble, this Alderaan Mission Patch is a Star Wars themed parody of the NASA Mission Patches. Available for printing on apparel such as t-shirts and hoodies and as a sticker.
There are a number of schools of thought on the topic of EDC and concealed firearm carry. Here’s some less obvious alternatives courtesy of a recent news story in Kentucky.
LOUISVILLE, KY (WAVE) – We all have those places where we just don’t feel quite comfortable: a parking garage, dark street, maybe a stairwell. Thousands of women turn to secret weapons, or everyday-looking items, with not so everyday-implications, to give them an extra sense of security. We’re working for you, putting them to the test to see if they’re worth your hard-earned money and your trust.
At the Brad Haynes Martial Arts Academy in Clarksville, the students are fit and ready to fight to defend themselves if necessary
“To have that mindset of I’m going home,” said owner Brad Haynes. “That’s the first thing whether it be, if they want my wallet, just give them my wallet or whether it’s going to be something where I have to physically defend myself.”
While we all may not be martial arts masters, a quick search of the internet turns up a ton of products that promise to give us the edge over a potential attacker.
University of Louisville police officer Aaron Graham said he teaches students the best defense is to avoid getting into risky situations in the first place.
“If you get involved in a situation where you’re going to have to defend yourself, you want to get away as fast as possible,” Graham said. “Most of it is being aware of your surroundings.”
Graham helped us test some of the more popular protection products to see if they’d really work if the unthinkable were to happen.
We started with a benign-looking ball cap that actually contains a pocket of metal beads.
“If this is on your head and you can remember that it is on your head at that time, what this is going to serve as is a distraction technique,” said Graham.
Graham added, that’s the main problem: remembering and practicing. If you can, he said, “I would give it a thumbs up purely as a distraction. It’s not going to be a weapon whatsoever.”
That’s not the case with the hairbrush, which turns into a shank.
“Yes, it’s going to inflict a lot of damage,” said Graham.
He said most of us are not going to carry a hairbrush where we could get to it quickly enough if we need it. Plus, it’s hard to use.
“If you get frightened, if you get nervous, are you going to be able to get that out?” he questioned of removing the brush cover. “I would give it a thumbs down.”
Where and how we carry the Pocket Shark pen also concerns him. It can be used as a kubotan, a sort of striking weapon.
Graham explained that it’s “something that you would use to gain that distance and separation from you and any attacker.”
Like many of the other protection products, Graham is concerned whether it will be handily available when we need it.
“I would give it a sideways thumb,” he said.
Graham was a little more enthusiastic about a G. E. doorstop alarm.
“It’s a cheap home security system,” he said. “It’s a way of waking you up.”
The noise alone, Graham said, might stop someone in their tracks, “and it will give you the opportunity to get away and try to get some type of help. I would say thumbs up for this for what it’s actually intended. It’s not a self-defense item but it is some sort of deterrent that may help you get away.”
Graham’s favorite product: old-fashioned pepper spray.
“It is beneficial,” he said. “It is something that we can say, yes you can carry because it is going to help you.”
It’s actually the one he’d pick for his wife and daughter if he were picking a product, but he said the people at Brad Haynes Martial Arts Academy may be in the best position to protect themselves, using the weapons we were born with — our voices, hands and feet.
“First thing I would teach them is some very simple moves because in times of stress, you’re going to fall back on what you already know,” said Graham.
“Physical skills, they’re in your head, they’re in your hands and feet and so you know them,” Haynes said.
A video of some products is on the Wave3 news website.
Copyright 2012 WAVE News. All rights reserved.
There’s really not much to be said about this.
Pathfinder Group Military Simulations are holding this event at Sopley Camp, an old RAF Base near Bournemouth, Hampshire. The Event is co-sponsored by CQB Target Systems Ltd, Professional Target Solutions.
The event is based on Airsoft Military Simulation over 2 days, and is organized and run by Experienced Ex-Parachute Regiment. Weapons and Tactics instructors. We also have a Special VIP SAS Author who is attending the event over the 2 days.
This is not to be confused with an airsoft skirmish event, as this is a serious Military Airsoft Simulation Exercise based on real Military tactics by the professionals, who have served in numerous conflicts throughout the world, so this really is an opportunity for Airsoft Teams to seriously compete at the highest level during the competition.
There are specific Blacked Out Kill House environments for the 5 Man Assault Teams, and each team should consist of 4 key Assault Personnel and 1 Designated Marksman, also included in the price is Accommodation on site at the base.
Teams applying to take part should have their own Airsoft Rifles, Handguns and ammunition for the event, and any associated Pyrotechnics they wish to use during the assault phases of the competition. Points will also be awarded for presentation etc. There are Prizes for the Winning Teams which will be awarded on the Sunday by our VIP/Organizers.
Teams should apply to Pathfinder Group Military Simulations as soon as possible by contacting Roy at: Pathfinderuk1@aol.com
There’s some new MilSim drama going around about a new poser in the industry. I thought I’d make a comment on it, only because I know a couple of the people at MSE (MilSim Event). The problem is that a supposed member of MilSim Event, callsign Bushman, said he was with either with the Rangers or Special Forces or both and apparently also claimed he was “deep cover” with the CIA and even told folks at SHOT Show that he was with Delta.