It’s not too late to go visit the Atomic Café, Thunderdome, Wasteland Casino or Mushroom Cloud Lounge. With any luck you’ll have time to get a free mohawk.

Wasteland Weekend started today, but it goes through Sunday; it’s not to late to dunk your face in a bucket of fishhooks, throw some leather on, grab up your sawed off scattergun or crossbow and get down there. Go have some fun in the sun in the lovely Mojave Desert with the finest in fringe elements of a Mad Max loving subculture.

There are a lot of bands scheduled to be playing in addition to numerous events (an archery contest, Wasteland Games (including boomerang toss and gas can carry) plus, of course, multiple Thunderdome fights. There will also be some sort of sermon delivered around an ‘unexploded nuclear bomb’ on Sunday.

They are working toward an immersive environment. From the official website:
“Wasteland Weekend reserves the right to prohibit any vehicles, structures, or items it deems unfit for the look of the themed area. (Any unfit property can be stored outside the gates of the themed area in the general camping area or hidden from view.) We are trying to create a convincing 360-degree post-apocalyptic environment. We hope you understand.”
In addition to individuals, there are a number of “tribes” who will be in attendance. There are several, including the Petro Pirates and Dukes of the Nuke, but our favorite has got to be the Dystopian Slut Militia.
Wasteland Weekend is a relatively new post-apocalyptic event, but organizers expect it to be much larger than the 400 attendees they had last year.
One long weekend of booze, body piercings, pointy things, makeshift weaponry and metal, punk rock, industrial rock and cleavage. What’s not to like?
Wasteland Weekend