The new issue of Recoil Magazine is out. If you haven’t read one yet, you really should. Plus, they love the Mad Duo. Just ask them. Picture courtesy of OneUp Design Lab.
The cake celebrating issue one's success. (They're gonna need a second cake, and if they wind up going monthly or even bi-monthly they'll all be fat asses).
Starting May 14, TAC-TV will air back to back episodes on the Sportsman Channel and extended versions on with an inside look at the new Medal of Honor Warfighter game. LAV takes the developers and creative team to the range to get hands on time with guns from the game. Then the TAC-TV crew gets a behind the scenes look at the work going into making this the most authentic military shooter ever made. Using Tier 1 operators as consultants and partnering with premium firearm industry partners like LBT, Mechanix Wear, McMillan, SureFire, Trijicon, and LaRue Tactical.
1986…Out of Africa wins Best Picture. Reagan sends bombers to make a point in Libya. The Russians in Chernobyl have a really bad day. The Goldwater-Nichols Act is signed into law. The radio is playing Lionel Richie, Klymaxx and Mr. Mister…and apparently there’s a zombie apocalypse.
Live in Oregon Canada South Dakota the Arctic Circle and need some security for your house? Maybe you’re a voyeur and you dig Eskimo girls. Check out the Arctic PTZ, a monitoring camera setup for outdoor locations in extreme locations and conditions using “IndigoVision”. Perfect for the house with polar bear problems or other places where you’re freezing your ass off but need cctv anyway.
“These men, the most powerful and feared in all of Liberia, lived in constant fear. Fear of falling out of favor, fear of being betrayed, fear of being held accountable for what they had done. They were afraid of Taylor and afraid of each other. As the ostriches and armed thugs wandered across the lawn, I realized that no matter how terrifying Taylor might be, he was still just a man — and a vulnerable one at that. The guns, smuggled diamonds, and expensive Thai mistresses were all just a house of cards, always near collapse.
Our meeting took the better part of two hours. Taylor concluded the discussion with a smile and a threat: “If your next report contains the same inaccuracies, we will think it was not done in good faith.”
As we were being escorted off the lawn, I turned to the aide who was seeing us out. I had to ask. “What’s the story with the ostriches?”
“The president likes animals,” he replied. “There are three ostriches. There used to be four. One ostrich swallowed a cell phone, and when it rang, the bird went berserk. The bird was so badly injured that he died. The president was very upset.” He told the story as if it were the most normal thing in the world…”
PFI has partnered with WOOT to sell their SOPS-33M Reflex Sight at half MSRP to “get more of [their] scopes into shooters hands”. The SOPS-22M is an excellent red-dot optic with an established reputation. It’s built to mil-spec standards, will not lose zero (due to its steel drop-drum turrets), features an auto-brightness/off setting so you don’t have to adjust brightness in different conditions, and has two nightvision settings. Check it out.
Here’s the designer talking about it (pay no attention to the music):
“The SOPS-33mm sighting system is the most advanced sight of its kind available. It has the standard light intensity settings (1-8 manual), but this is where it leaves the rest behind with 2-night vision settings to be used with night vision equipment, and a special “Auto” feature that automatically adjusts the intensity to the environment’s ambient light due to the proprietary photo cell. This scope was designed and built to PFI’s rigid specifications and can take a beating that others won’t. The scope comes with two standard low mount 33mm rings, a flash kill filter, flip up caps, covered target turrets, and heavy duty windage and elevation adjustments that will never leave zero. Also available is the PFI-QRR quick release mount that is designed especially for this system for fast mounting and dismounting in the field.”
Armourgeddon is a company based in based Leicestershire, England that deals in paintball matches using a fleet of British tanks, specifically the FV432 Armored Personnel Carrier. After an introductory training session, teams of three battle it out tank-to-tank on an old WWII bombing range. Now, this isn’t the only activity the company specializes in (they also have, among other things, air rifle shooting, archery, hovercraft, and standard woodland paintball games), it just happens to be the most unique.
I’m sure plenty of you remember 5.11’s April Fool’s Day joke, the Tactical Duty Kilt. I’m sure you also remember that the response was so positive that they were going to do an actual run of the kilts. Well, that day has come, or at least the day to pre-order your kilt has come. They’ll be available in three colors: TDU Khaki, TDU Green, and Black, in sizes 28 to 54. Sadly, 5.11 isn’t accommodating the purchasing of MultiCam kilts (my preferred choice) at this time, but one can only hope.
Japanese company Marudai has created what is possibly the most awesome yet impractical iPhone 4 cases ever. It’s awesome because it can stop a .50 caliber bullet. It’s impractical because, well, it can stop a .50 caliber bullet. Specifically, in order to stop such a round the case features a backplate made from one inch of steel armor, weights 4.6 pounds, and has a hole drilled into it so the onboard camera is even usable. Additionally, only the back of the case is armored, and the phone requires a second case (which comes included) so it doesn’t get damaged while nestled inside its protective shell. When you factor in the almost $650 US (52,500 yen) pricetag, you’re looking at a novelty paperweight at best.
Righteous Duke Designs, the rhino-ridingest, hippie-shootingest, bronc-bustingest, Kill Cliff-drinkingest coffee addictedest artist anywhere within twenty miles of his house in Texas, has a new shirt out. It’s a reference to the show Archer, from the episode Placebo Effect from Season 2. That’s the one where Archer finds out his cancer drugs are sugar and Zima, switched by the Irish Mob, and goes on a rampage. He films it, calling the film Terms of Enrampagement, though admittedly that’s a working title only.
He does not, that I know of, actually ride rhinos. But he did wink at Deja Thoris once, and not from that lame-assed movie either.
Tactical Drawings does great work. Artist Joonho ‘JK’ Kim is from Seoul, South Korea. He was in the ROK Army before coming to the US. Since 2004 he has been a part of the chaplain program at the Pima Count Sheriff’s Department and in 2005 he became the Pima County Regional SWAT chaplain. He also teaches edged weapon fighting to local LEOs, military personnel and contractors. In addition to being a talented artist (a great understatement) he is a genuinely nice and self-effacing man. Check out his website.
About the PJ artwork he says, “I hope that my drawing properly depicted their courage, dedication, brotherhood, and loyalty. They truly live up to their creed: That others may live.” You can buy the print here.
Click on image above to see all the information on SB1315
SB1315 will cause great confusion regarding where you can own and use Airsoft guns in California, and ultimately lead to the elimination of our sport as we know it!
Please call only the senator who represents the district where you reside and/or work only. You can find your state senator via this link
New HK G36C Competition
New H&K G36C Competition (Sportline) from Umarex. This model has electric blowback and full metal gears and gearbox. An 8.4v NiMH rechargeable battery is included for a low price!
Click on image to see more information.
New SO Tech Double Strap Go Bag
This is the latest variation of the highly popular SOTech Go Bag. It now comes with TWO straps. This allows for some different carry options, adding stability and versatility to switch between a sling bag and a backpack-style carry.
Click on image to see more information.
New Rainier Arms PTS Flashhiders
New Flashhiders from Rainier Arms. These are available in 2 styles, the short and long. Both are available in CW and CCW thread.
Click on image to see more information.
Madbull RAS Fixing Riser
Madbull / MAX Tactical’s RAS FIX line of products mount onto both the upper receiver and RIS, thus making the RIS and upper receiver connect tightly. It can also be used as a scope riser mount.
I like the show River Monsters. I wish I could tag along sometime, or at least throw some of the annoying neighbor kids out into the water with a goonch or one of the other critters. In the meantime I stumbled across something for those of you who like to go fishing without dynamite or field expedient explosive bait. It’s a video series, Hooked on Fishing the Golden Gate. There’s something like four volumes, and number four was named “Best Fishing Video in America” by the Outdoor Writers of America.
I’d still rather go fishing with EOD guys, but this will work in the meantime. More about it here.
Billy’s Custom Gun Works makes a lot of different things our audience might like (such as their rifle slings). Here’s something pretty simple thrown together for a blowout kit carried by one of the Battle Systems LLC guys. They’re zipper pulls made from red and black paracord with glow in the dark tracers and glow in the dark beads. Now, obviously there are tactical considerations. We’re not saying you want one of these on your gear as you go hauling out the back of a Shithook to go kill assholes in the Hindu Kush. We’re just saying they might come in handy for a search and rescue kit, camping rig, TEOTWAWKI gear, etc.
Coverking is a company that specializes in car seat covers, among other car-related products, and they’ve recently expanded into a line of Tactical Seat Covers. The covers are made from Cordura nylon and feature PALS webbing down the length of the rear. Each cover comes with 6 MOLLE compatible pouches of various sizes for storage purposes with the pouches also available for individual purchase. The covers come in five colors: black, cashmere, charcoal, grey, and tan and are custom made specific to a vehicle’s make and model. Coverking products are made in the USA.
Etsy shop VikingProps has this highly detailed Proton Backpack Prop for sale, based on those seen in the Ghostbusters movies. It’s constructed from unspecified metal, wood, and plastic with weathered paint and decals and is true to scale. What really caught my eye, however, is that it’s built using an A.L.I.C.E. pack frame. As the video below shows, the Proton Pack can also be upgraded with full lights and sounds, making it quite possibly the ultimate Ghostbusters Cosplay accessory.
The OBEY Commuter Pack is made from 100% nylon and rolls up for easy storage. It features an interior notebook sleeve and an exterior pocket that can hold a pair of sneakers or up to three cans of spray paint, not that TFB condones tagging. Seen above is the Woodland variant, but it’s also available in black, blue/grey, and tan/yellow.
Mad Catz has created another excellent third-party controller in the ‘Ghost Recon: Future Soldier’ PrecisionAIM Pro Gamepad. Decked out in ‘Future Soldier’ imagery with backlit analogue stick modules and “non slip pistol grips”, the Pro Gamepad is as great looking as it is functional. The quick fire triggers are very responsive, as is the d-pad and face buttons, while the sticks offer a degree of accuracy not found in the standard 360 pad. This can be further assisted by activating the PrecisionAIM feature, which slows down on-screen movement for more precise shots.
XL combat buttons on the rear of the pad can be programmed via selector switches (found above the buttons) to function as either face buttons (right combat button) or directions on the d-pad (left combat button). This feature was developed in conjunction with the Ghost Recon development team to best work for use with Future Soldier, although it’s more than useful enough for a wide variety of games. Finally, it features a 3ft braided cable, so no batteries required.
Pricing is in the $40-50 range, so it’s around the same cost as a wireless 1st party controller. Despite this, the controller is a worthy edition to any gamer’s collection of peripherals, if only because it boast a number of noticeable improvements over the vanilla 360 pad. Plus, it just looks pretty damn cool.
Ghost Recon: Future Soldier drops May 22, 2012 (June 12, 2012 for PC)