Breach-Bang-Clear is holding a new contest on their Facebook page with plenty of prizes, including all kinds of kit and cash for the number one submission! Here are the rules verbatim for those interested:
Breach-Bang-Clear Sexy Patriotism Contest. Here are the rules:
1. Applicant FEMALES must send us a sexy, patriotic picture (to breachbangclear@gmail.com, not posted on the page). Pictures must abide by the Facebook regulations regarding nudity to be eligible to win (though we might post the R rated ones on our blog). No trans-testicled or cross-dressers please, that’ll be a different contest strictly for people who watch MSNBC.
2. If the flag is involved – don’t be a dumbass. It’s our flag. Be respectful. We shouldn’t have to tell you that.
3. Somewhere in the picture applicants must have the words Breach-Bang-Clear or BreachBangClear.com. In lipstick, holding a sign, in steam on the bathroom mirror, fake a tattoo, whatever. Get creative.
4. Pictures should be e-mailed to BreachBangClear@gmail.com NOT posted on the wall. They should be sized at least 6 x 8 (minimum). Your e-mail submission should clearly state the name of the model (will not be published) and contact information, as well as a statement for our records that she is at least 18 years of age.
5. Prizes will include: a cash prize for 1ST Place, along with first pick of the gear prizes, plus gear prizes for 2nd and 3rd place. (Gear can go to the winning models or we’ll send it to guys that can use it on her behalf if she doesn’t want it).
6. Pictures must be submitted NLT midnight Mountain Time 04 July 12, after which our viewing audience will judge the winners with a poll or number of likes or whatever.
7. Applicants must be FEMALE. You can have more than one in the picture if you’d like, but no matter how many you have in there they all have to have fun bags and the right plumbing.
Here’s the link again in case you missed it: https://www.facebook.com/BreachBangClear