Author Archive
Friday, December 30th, 2011
The Mad Duo has great hope for, and grave concerns about, the upcoming GI Joe Retaliation movie. The original article is over on Under the Radar, a further explanation of just how keenly they’re watching this is on Breach-Bang-Clear.

Tactical Fanboy: "Roadblock" in the upcoming GI Joe sequel.
We hope for their sake the Rock and Bruce Willis get this right. Hate to see what would happen if the Duo lost their temper.

The Mad Duo: They fight evil so you don't have to.
Tags: Breach Bang Clear, GI Joe Retaliation, Mad Duo
Posted in Mad Duo, Movies | No Comments »
Thursday, December 29th, 2011

Tactical Fanboy: We respect LEOs and support them, but this sort of police brutality is untenable. Why could he possibly be pulling them over?
Posted in Law Enforcement, WTF? | 5 Comments »
Wednesday, December 28th, 2011
You should remain vigilant. Just because Tactical Fanboy, Soldier Systems or The BOLO Report runs on 12 Tactical Christmas doesn’t mean something else won’t happen later on.
Pay attention….

Posted in Uncategorized | 8 Comments »
Tuesday, December 27th, 2011
Here’s something you don’t see every day. A custom ATP holster made for ASGI by G-Code out of a clear Kydex material. Pretty cool huh?

Tactical Fanboy: Some of G-Code Holsters' more unique work.
Tags: G-Code, Holsters, Kydex
Posted in Accessories, Gun Pr0n | 3 Comments »
Monday, December 26th, 2011
After the popularity of their Kiddie Plate Carrier (KPC), Extreme Gear Labs has released the Micro Melly PC. This itty bitty operator sized plate carrier, with foam SAPI plate insert, are sewn identically to real plate carriers except for scale (and they’re set up so they won’t actually accept plates, to prevent any accidents on the part of the phenomenally stupid). It was immediately described as

Operator kitted out in the Micro Melly from EDL
“better than a MultiCam onsie” once pictures were released. The exact amount of load capacity at this point is unknown and is likely dependent upon the size of the operator. Potential loadouts are projected to include a spare bottle, tactical bink (the word pacifier cannot be used to refer to gear like this), an emergency dash of baby powder and definitely some non permissive environment suitable butt wipes. There is a drag handle in the event of an exigent situation after cribside brawls.
Like the EGL Kiddo Plate Carrier, the Micro Melly is multi-Nerf hit rated.

The Micro Melly from Extreme Designs Labs

Rear view of the Micro Melly, with drag handle.

Tactical Fanboy: The Micro Melly from Extreme Design Labs

Side view of Micro Melly: pistol mags for size comparison...hand sanitizer or butt wipes are a more likely loadout.
Tags: Extreme Gear Labs
Posted in Armor, Morale, Plate Carrier, Toys | 31 Comments »
Sunday, December 25th, 2011
Hope all of you are having a great Christmas Day and are able to spend it with your families, even you Godless atheists that just want presents! Tactical Fanboy would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, especially all of those who have to work today or tonight, whether they’re military personnel at home or abroad, police, fire, EMS, the staff at the few stores that are open-any of you that aren’t able to stay at home, lounge about and read TFB.
Tags: Military History
Posted in Military | No Comments »
Friday, December 23rd, 2011
Stickman, a professional “tactical photographer” has a new website up, as you undoubtedly now know (unless you’re in

Stickman showcases some of what is in his gear bag, from his FLICKR page.
some ass-end-of-nowhere valley in Afghanistan or have been living under a rock). Though a majority of his work recently has been done for Magpul, he has actually photographed or reviewed kit and weaponry from something like fifty different big name manufacturers. In short, he’s a camera- and rifle-shooting rock star of the industry. It’s just that most of his fans have no idea wh
at he looks like (he still works as a city copy, and is careful to separate his home/work life from his Stickman identity).
There’s not much on there yet, so you’re still probably better off following him on his Facebook page.
There are a number of places where you can view his photography, like here on Rainier Arms or this example on Gear Scout, or of course the Stickman Flickr pages.
The BOLO Report has reported they’re hoping to interview Stickman informally, maybe at SHOT. It’ll be interested to hear more about him.

One of Stickman's shots of Costa on the range.

Some of Stickman's other professional work.
Tags: Stickman
Posted in Gun Pr0n, Law Enforcement, Media | No Comments »
Friday, December 23rd, 2011
You think Paul Howe, Kyle Lamb, Travis Haley, Rob Pincus, Richard Kilgore, Angry Ranger, Chris Costa, Slim Call, Scott Reitz, Larry Vickers, Raylan Givens and Ricky from Vizual Kandi are dangerous? You don’t know dangerous until you’ve seen Magnum Tuggs.

Tactical Fanboy recommends: Awesomeness and Badassedry, the new book from Magnum Tuggs
Posted in WTF? | 4 Comments »
Wednesday, December 21st, 2011
October’s Tac Girl of the Week was raised by a Texas trooper in a police and military family. She’s hot, she likes to shoot and she can still qualify Texas DPS standards with a pistol!

(1 EA)
Bust: 34DD
Waist: 24
Hips: 34
Height: 5’6 ½”
Approximate age? Few women admit their age….few men act theirs 😉
Home town? Houston, TX
Currently live? Split my time between Texas and Louisiana
Favorite Rifle Accessory: Sixell Innovations Never Quit Grip.
9mm, .45 or Other: Even though I appreciate the power of a .45, a 9mm fits my hand better.
Cans or going loud? Cans—silent but deadly
Tags: Sniper, Special Operator, Tac Girl of the Week, Tac Girls, Tactical Tailor
Posted in Tac Girls, Tactical Babes | No Comments »
Tuesday, December 20th, 2011
Okay, it’s not really a “KillCam” like in your fps game, but the FLASHBACK option of Looxcie is pretty close. Looxcie is a video camera you wear on your ear like a bluetooth earpiece. You turn it on and it records everything in POV format from that perspective. You can stream it live (which might be pretty damn cool for military/LE training events, or for airsoft fights or whatever). You can store data in it, obviously, and also send clips to e-mail, social media, etc.
Check out the rest of the story on Soldier Systems Daily.

Tags: Looxcie
Posted in Accessories, Airsoft, Military, MilSim | No Comments »
Sunday, December 18th, 2011
By “does” Princess Leia, we don’t mean does her. We just mean she dresses up as royalty from Alderaan.
For RED2ALPHA73 and those who agree with him.
(Note: in fairness, one of our Facebook fans asked about gratuitous hot gamer guys. So we ask…is there such a thing?)

Bless her Alderaan royalty impersonating heart.

Another reason to mourn the loss of Alderaan.

“Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, gorgeous."”

Olivia, ma bukee. Bargon yanah coto da eetha.
Posted in Morale, Movies, Tactical Babes | 5 Comments »
Sunday, December 18th, 2011
Kit Up!, the gear blog over at (which is smart enough to occasionally feature op-ed and gear discussion by the Mad Duo) just ran a piece from Evike TV. Evike is a great airsoft (particularly MilSim) place with a good sense of humor.
Here’s a back view of the Evike doorkicker after he completes his epic loadout.

Tactical Fanboy likes Evike TV; check 'em out
Check out the article and the video on Kit Up!
Tags: Evike TV, Kit Up, loadout
Posted in Airsoft, MilSim, WTF? | 4 Comments »
Friday, December 16th, 2011
September’s Tac Girl lives with her husband at Ft. Benning, where she and he together train as long distance service providers. (He is a professional ballistic surgeon; she just enjoys it.) She comes from a big family and is a
mother of four (seriously). Capt. America is her favorite superhero and she’s a loyal fan of Action Figure Therapy. There’s not much else that needs to be said. Please welcome Melissa to Tac Girl of the Week.
Bust: 34D
Waist: 25
Hips: 34
Height: 5’6”
Approximate age? The woman who tells her age is either too young to have anything to lose or too old to have anything to gain!
Home town? Double Springs, AL
Currently live? Ft. Benning, GA
Posted in Tac Girls, Tactical Babes | 4 Comments »
Thursday, December 15th, 2011
Yep. Under the Radar mentioned the new fan filmand from the look of it, it’s going to be pretty sweet (particularly for a fan-made film). The movie (hopeful pilot for an entire fan series) basically follows a rookie Orbital Drop

A scene from the Halo ODST Helljumper fan film, coming out in January.
Shock Trooper from before the Human-Covenant War to the Fall of Reach. If you want to help the film, you can donate money to the cause and earn rank depending on the amount: Grunt, Marine, ODST, Brute Chieftain, etc. Money donated will be used to help fund the film.
Check out the “movie poster”. It’s awesome.
Tags: fan films, Halo, Helljumper
Posted in Movies | No Comments »
Wednesday, December 14th, 2011
There are a lot of different zombie targets out there, as we’ve reported before. The ones from Zero Heavy are really good too.
Some of our favorites come from the same place as Zombie Ammo, mostly because the female victims on the hostage “shoot-don’t shoot” targets all have big boobs. Granted, some of the actual zombie targets are lush and buxom too…but since they’re rotting and trying to eat you, it’s not as appealing.

The poor, hapless victim on this target definitely deserves saving.

Sexual harassment is bad enough. Being groped and possibly eaten by a zombie is entirely worse.
In any case, the point of this is that some police agencies and (so we hear) military units with a sense of humor are using zombie scenarios for training (like in this story over on BOLO Report). If you are doing anything similar, or are part of an “official” organization doing something similar, we’d love to hear from you and see some pictures.
Posted in Law Enforcement, Military, Training, Zombies | 2 Comments »
Wednesday, December 14th, 2011
This came to us from the Mad Duo. It came to them via one of their tens of thousands of loyal warrior fans…well, that’s an exaggeration, but it did come from one of their friends. Unfortunately we can’t track down whom, to give him credit. Either way, awesome picture!
Edit: This picture hails from the imagination and low light operations of Mike Slutzky, of SCD and the Kit FOB. Please go check ’em out, and thanks Mike!

Hard to imagine doing anything but hunting Muj with thermals and a crossbow would be cooler (well, other than Jai Alai by NVGs).
Posted in Military, MilSim, Morale, WTF? | 1 Comment »
Monday, December 12th, 2011
What It Is
Everybody knows the popular Christmas Carol, “The 12 Days of Christmas” but what many people don’t know is that it actually starts on the day after Christmas and ends on the 6th of January. Well this year, Tactical Fanboy will be working with The BOLO Report and Soldier Systems Daily to bring you the 12 Days of Tactical Christmas.
How It Works
We have lined up a seriously cool (and tacti-cool) list of sponsors and, just like in the song, each day we will give away the requisite number of items. For example on the fist day we will give away a single item to a single winner. On the second day we will give away two of the same item, one each to two different winners. On the third day, three winners will each receive an item and so on, and so on until 78 total prizes have been awarded.

How To Enter
Each day, we will post the days giveaway on one of the three websites. The rules for that day will be included in the post. To enter, you will have to follow the instructions which will consist of responding to a question in the comments section of THAT post. There will be a limited period of time to respond and then the comments will be closed. Once the comments are closed the day’s winners will be randomly selected and contacted via the email provided in the comments. This is why it is imperative that you provide a valid email address. If you don’t, we can’t contact you to tell you you’ve won.
It probably wouldn’t be a bad idea to be a fan of one or two or all three on Facebook…you know, just in case…Soldier Systems, BOLO Report and of course Tactical Fanboy.
Look for a special surprise at the end of the 12 days. It’s going to blow you away!
No purchase necessary.
Void where prohibited.
Unclaimed prizes will be forfeit.
If there’s nothing in the prize list you want or need, then you’re probably a hippie, a peace protester or the greatest and most accomplished geardo in the history of guys that collect Gucci kit.
Posted in Contests, Gear, Kit, Law Enforcement, Military, MilSim, Morale, Tools, Toys | 10 Comments »