Stockpile Designs takes old, unused military waste, such as rusty bombshells and empty canisters, and turns them into home decor. Seen above is the Silo End Table with a dummy WWII Naval round used as the base. You can see more at Stockpile Designs on Etsy.
Archive for the ‘Morale’ Category
Stockpile Designs
Sunday, February 26th, 2012Morale Patch of the Week: Like a Boss
Tuesday, February 14th, 2012MilSpec Monkey’s got a new patch out, if you’re needing one. Maybe suggest it for your sweetheart (or your mom) as a last-minute Valentine’s Day gift for ya. You can find it on the MSM site now in several color schemes.
Stormtrooper home on leave
Tuesday, January 31st, 2012Morale Patches: When do we get this one?
Tuesday, January 31st, 2012As more than one of our readership has pointed out, this patch (from Bob Riggle’s rousing speech for ELITE) would be pretty popular if it was widely available. When will someone be making this?
Oh, and Lt. Col. Riggle, hat tip to you for your anti-hippie stance. God bless you.
The Bitch Slaps: Don’t Get Slapped
Monday, January 30th, 2012Nice little speech about Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3’s ELITE…”cuz noobs poo in their pants.”
Hat tip to Under the Radar.
SHOT Show 2012: Morale Patch of the Week (Sneak look from MilSpec Monkey)
Tuesday, January 24th, 2012Tactical Fanboy is going to begin a Morale Patch of the Week feature (and we’re open to suggestions, if you know of one or if your company has one it wants featured). This week is the new Good Guy patch from the guy who is pretty much the progenitor of the whole widespread morale patch phenomenon. Yeah, others did it, sure there were unit patches and unique patches before. but nothing like the Monkey has done it. (If you weren’t aware, “suck factor”, “Persian Gulf Highway Patrol” and “Hajji Don’t Surf” were available in Saudi Arabia during Southern Watch and in South Korea at least since the mid-90s, and so-called unofficial patches abounded during the Vietnam War, but it’s the MilSpec Monkey who turned it into a military and airsoft meme; not that there aren’t lots of other cool patch makers out there now). Anyway, this is the Good Guy patch featured on a Maxpedition Larkspur (held up by one of the the Maxpedition HMFsIC himself). It has good color, is well constructed and great physical features. Watch for it soon on!
Have an idea for a morale patch you want featured or think would look good? E-mail TAANSTAFL here via the standard Tactical Fanboy comms with a facebook link, a couple pictures and some background.

Tactical Fanboy: the MSM Good Guy PatchCan you blame him for smiling? He's showing off the new MilSpec Monkey Patch! (Now he needs to ship the eeee-light team of fightin' bloggers here at TFB a couple of those in some kind of weird furriner camo no one recognizes, so we can feel special.)
By the way, don’t know who MilSpec Monkey is? You been living under a rock? Here’s a picture of DJ Monkey Boy testing out a BCE on his rifle, training to lay some hate down on those that might deserve it.
Good Gear: a Graphic Demonstration
Thursday, January 19th, 2012This is quite a selection of gear from the Mad Duo. Raven Concealment, 5.11 Tactical, LED Lenser, Darrel Ralph Knives, Tactical Tailor, Bravo 5, Legion Firearms, T.I.E. Tactical, Warrior Wound Care, I.C.E. Training, SAR Global Tools and of course…butter, 5-hour energy, B12 energy powder, butter from Kokomos, Tabasco, OC spray and miscellaneous other things (like used family planning devices).
Only at a Vegas SHOT Show eh?
A Personal Shoutout!
Tuesday, January 17th, 2012Extreme Gear Labs: The Micro Melly PC
Monday, December 26th, 2011After the popularity of their Kiddie Plate Carrier (KPC), Extreme Gear Labs has released the Micro Melly PC. This itty bitty operator sized plate carrier, with foam SAPI plate insert, are sewn identically to real plate carriers except for scale (and they’re set up so they won’t actually accept plates, to prevent any accidents on the part of the phenomenally stupid). It was immediately described as
“better than a MultiCam onsie” once pictures were released. The exact amount of load capacity at this point is unknown and is likely dependent upon the size of the operator. Potential loadouts are projected to include a spare bottle, tactical bink (the word pacifier cannot be used to refer to gear like this), an emergency dash of baby powder and definitely some non permissive environment suitable butt wipes. There is a drag handle in the event of an exigent situation after cribside brawls.
Like the EGL Kiddo Plate Carrier, the Micro Melly is multi-Nerf hit rated.

Side view of Micro Melly: pistol mags for size comparison...hand sanitizer or butt wipes are a more likely loadout.
Rogue American Apparel: It’s not too late for Christmas
Tuesday, December 20th, 2011Kit Up! just ran an article about the Mad Duo’s picks for last minute “tactical apparel” Christmas gift suggestions. We’ve got a couple we’d like to add to that list…yeah, we know, they only had so much space, but these need to be mentioned.

There really isn't much to say about this one. Tactical Fanboy loves Rogue American Apparel. Did we mention that?
How Kim Jong Il Really Died – Action Figure Therapy (NSFW)
Monday, December 19th, 2011I think we all knew that Kim Jong’s heart attack was just a North Korean government media coverup, but I never would have guessed it was Jungle Recon’s mighty Syphilis that did ‘im in.
Suggested by a Reader: Olivia Munn does Princess Leia
Sunday, December 18th, 2011By “does” Princess Leia, we don’t mean does her. We just mean she dresses up as royalty from Alderaan.
For RED2ALPHA73 and those who agree with him.
(Note: in fairness, one of our Facebook fans asked about gratuitous hot gamer guys. So we ask…is there such a thing?)
Racquetball Using NVGs: Epic
Wednesday, December 14th, 2011This came to us from the Mad Duo. It came to them via one of their tens of thousands of loyal warrior fans…well, that’s an exaggeration, but it did come from one of their friends. Unfortunately we can’t track down whom, to give him credit. Either way, awesome picture!
Edit: This picture hails from the imagination and low light operations of Mike Slutzky, of SCD and the Kit FOB. Please go check ’em out, and thanks Mike!
12 Tactical Days of Christmas are Coming!
Monday, December 12th, 2011What It Is
Everybody knows the popular Christmas Carol, “The 12 Days of Christmas” but what many people don’t know is that it actually starts on the day after Christmas and ends on the 6th of January. Well this year, Tactical Fanboy will be working with The BOLO Report and Soldier Systems Daily to bring you the 12 Days of Tactical Christmas.
How It Works
We have lined up a seriously cool (and tacti-cool) list of sponsors and, just like in the song, each day we will give away the requisite number of items. For example on the fist day we will give away a single item to a single winner. On the second day we will give away two of the same item, one each to two different winners. On the third day, three winners will each receive an item and so on, and so on until 78 total prizes have been awarded.
How To Enter
Each day, we will post the days giveaway on one of the three websites. The rules for that day will be included in the post. To enter, you will have to follow the instructions which will consist of responding to a question in the comments section of THAT post. There will be a limited period of time to respond and then the comments will be closed. Once the comments are closed the day’s winners will be randomly selected and contacted via the email provided in the comments. This is why it is imperative that you provide a valid email address. If you don’t, we can’t contact you to tell you you’ve won.
It probably wouldn’t be a bad idea to be a fan of one or two or all three on Facebook…you know, just in case…Soldier Systems, BOLO Report and of course Tactical Fanboy.
Look for a special surprise at the end of the 12 days. It’s going to blow you away!
No purchase necessary.
Void where prohibited.
Unclaimed prizes will be forfeit.
If there’s nothing in the prize list you want or need, then you’re probably a hippie, a peace protester or the greatest and most accomplished geardo in the history of guys that collect Gucci kit.
Gratuitous Hot Gamer Girl: Olivia Munn
Saturday, December 10th, 2011Rogue American Women
Tuesday, December 6th, 2011Remember reading about Rogue American Apparel? Their women’s line is now out, and not only are their shirts just as cool as the men’s line, the models are way hotter (and have more hair). Rogue American t-shirts are hand distressed, so every one is unique, and each design has only 500 printed. RAA supports the Brothers in Arms Foundation with every sale, and frequently runs special designs that are completely devoted to helping fallen or injured Warriors (which is why you should like them on Facebook). To quote their website, “Our tees have the same cut and feel as Ed hardy, we just don’t let douchebags wear them.”
Tactical Fanboy Gift Idea #13: I KILL TERRORISTS
Sunday, December 4th, 2011IKT Clothing is pretty simple in its mantra. Say what you mean, mean what you say. The founder is a former Marine Scout-Sniper turned Army SF veteran who spent more than a little time in the sandbox. They have several designs, all revolving around one simple (but kick ass theme). You might guess that theme by reading the name of the whole line of apparel (though they have t-shirts, hoodies, patches, decals, et al). Learn more about them on Facebook and let ’em know Tactical Fanboy sent you. (Oh, and despite what you might think, they’re not snake-eater snobs; you don’t have to do a tab check to buy their stuff, as long as you’re a patriotic American who supports…well, killing terrorists).
I.K.T., LLC is a Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB)
Tactical Fanboy Gift Idea #7: RE Factor Loot
Saturday, December 3rd, 2011Yes, #7. Why 7? Because their swag is just cool as hell. RE Factor Tactical.RE Factor, if you ask (and you will) means Relative Effectiveness as it pertains to TNT (which has an RE of 1). Other explosives are measured from there (in simple terms; there’s actually more to it than that).
Don’t forget the Kolt Kit Bag Drawing
Thursday, November 24th, 2011Check it out on Facebook. Preorder Dalton Fury’s new fiction novel, Black Site (which rumor has it will be advanced reviewed by the Mad Duo, who have already talked to the author). “A truly unprecedented opportunity…1200 bucks worth of top-quality stuff. In the bag a Suunto Core All Black Military watch, pair of Salomon XA Pro 3D Mid Assault Boots, and an Arc’teryx Combat Jacket from Uber Group. Fourteen custom tees, two hats, and sticker pack from Black Palm Syndicate. Plus a Surefire Pen Glass Breaker, a set of custom Hibben throwing knives, and much more. Pre-order Black Site from Amazon or Barnes & Noble and post the date of order and vendor on our Facebook page to enter. Good luck!”
Note that if you already entered, you can double the number of times your name goes into the hat. Per the author, if you can talk a friend into pre-ordering Black Site and posting to the giveaway page by 1300EST today, you’ll have a chance of winning AND you’ll double yours. Hopefully you have friends who can read.
You’re rapidly running out of time, boys and girls!
Grunts: God Loves the Infantry…
Monday, November 21st, 2011…but surely even He has to shake his head at them once in a while, right? We’re not sure who took the original photo. We got it from the Mad Duo at Breach-Bang-Clear. At least two of their crew of “minions” are or were grunts, so presumably they empathize with that particularly profane and irreverent sort of humor..since Tactical Fanboy is a big fan of Ernie Pyle and Bill Mauldin, we kinda get it too.
Patriotic Boobs Are Being Threatened…
Sunday, November 20th, 2011…and we still can’t decide if we should capitalize every word in the title or not. Yes, fearless readers, it appears that the patriotic boobs of Knockers for the Troops is once again imperiled. The website is still up, but the Facebook page (which is better than the website) has been shut down. If you wish to come to the rescue of all these pro-American bosoms, you need to e-mail Facebook and demand your boobs back.
Coming In December – The 12 Days Of Tactical Christmas
Saturday, November 12th, 2011The 12 Days of Tactical Christmas will be upon us soon. But what are they, you may ask? Why, a contest with 90 available prizes courtesy of some of the biggest names in the industry, that’s what!
Details soon to follow, and trust me when I say that it’s quite the unique event.
Graffiti of War
Friday, November 11th, 2011Tactical life ran a great (if too short) piece today on graffiti in the AOR. It’s a funny change from the gang graffiti or anti-American scrawls. The funniest one we’ve seen to date was in ’06. One of your eee-light team of tactical bloggers saw a bombed out Iraqi T-72 (God only knows how long it had been there) on the way toward the Ziggurat of Ur that read “Chuck Norris was here.” On a more serious note, you might also be interested in the Graffiti of War Project, it’s seriously cool…in fact, if you aren’t familiar with it, go there now (the picture below came from that site and that project). It’s a great cause and has incredible art from our boys and girls on the ground.
Veterans Day
Friday, November 11th, 2011We here at TFB would like to give our sincerest, most heartfelt thanks to every individual who has served in the Military. From the very first militiamen to the warfighters of today, your sacrifices assure that we continue our way of life, freedom, and liberty. Again, thank you.
Rifle Cleaning…Dubious.
Wednesday, November 9th, 2011You wouldn’t think this would go well…but it actually came out of there and went to shootin’. Long story, one maybe we’ll share someday. Thanks to the rifle-shootin’-est Texans we know, the crew at Legion Firearms, for letting us use their picture.
Note: we do not recommend or endorse this particular cleaning procedure, nor do we think many NCOs would be terribly appreciative of it were they to catch you trying it. That being said, if you do then send us a picture. Meantime, go check Legion out on Facebook. Remember in ‘Back to the Future’ when he said, “You built a time machine out of a Delorean?” It’s kind of like that, except they build high end burners that are at the top of the food chain when it comes to laying some hate on armed assailants, tawl-ee-bawn, goat-loving insurgents and hippies.